The Law Firm Transparency Project draws upon Above the Law research as well as data provided by Leopard Solutions and UniCourt.
Leopard Solutions is our principal data partner for the Law Firm Transparency Project. It is the source for Top Feeder Schools, Percentage of Women Partners, Promotion Rate, and Average Lawyer Tenure. The Leopard Law Firm Index is a unique and powerful resource for assessing the relative “health” of law firms. Check it out here.
Promotion Rate is defined as the percentage of eligible members of an associate class promoted to partnership in the most recent year. Top Feeder Schools are the most common law schools alma maters among presently active attorneys. Average lawyer tenure refers to the average time employed at the firm of presently active attorneys. Percentage of women partners is calculated as a proportion of the total U.S. attorney headcount. Data points are U.S. specific.
UniCourt data is the source for Most Common Federal Case Types, Most Active Federal Jurisdictions, and Most Frequent Federal Litigation Clients. These fields are based on the quantity of federal cases.
The five-year change in RPL for each firm calculates the percentage growth or decline in nominal dollars (amounts as reported each year, not adjusted for inflation) over the preceding five-year period. Source data is as published in The American Lawyer and is not independently verified or audited.
Market salary is based on a $202,500-205,000 scale for first-year associates. Firm listings reflect ATL research and information received.
Other fields were compiled through Above the Law research and polling. Data was gathered in the first quarter of 2022, and contains some ongoing updates to reflect recent changes. A full update will occur at the end of Q1.