Litigation Finance

Tracking The Evolution Of Litigation Finance

on March 07, 2022 at 1:33 PM

Over the last decade, litigation funding has gained increasing traction as an effective tool for law firms and in-house legal departments. Above the Law has been monitoring the growth of this field in part through our annual litigation finance survey, conducted in partnership with our friends at Lake Whillans. The survey is now in its sixth year.

In response to our 2021 survey, 72 percent of lawyers reported that litigation finance had become more relevant to their practice in the previous year, with some noting that the growth in funding tracks the increase in litigation. As one respondent suggested, “The pandemic will turn out to be a watershed for the practice of third-party funding — more parties than ever are open to the possibility.”

We want to learn whether this has proved to be the case. What does the practice look like after a second pandemic year? As life slowly returns to normal, are more lawyers and clients considering third-party financing to hedge the risks of litigation or fund expenses?

To help us address these questions, we invite all practicing litigators and their in-house peers to take part in our brief, anonymous survey. Regardless of the extent of your experience with litigation finance, we want to hear from you!


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