Tag: Police Brutality
New York Agrees To Pay Out Millions Because The NYPD Got Caught Brutalizing People. Again.
Breaking the law is one thing, but for guardians to break the law undermines the concept of legality as such. -
Qualified Immunity May Not Be A License For Police To Kill Folks Asking For Help After All
'But how can I do my job if I can't choke out handcuffed people who pose no imminent threat?' - Some cop who thinks he's a good apple. - Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 04.11.22
* Habeas Corpus? Discarded body determined to be a thrown-out sex toy. These things are really getting realistic. I hear… [Region News Source]
* COVID made the takings clause relevant again. What’s next, the Third? [Reason]
* During the Judge Jackson confirmation, several Republicans accused Democrats as being the party of pedophiles. Projection, maybe? [Slate]
* Remember that viral video of police officers busting a 75-year-old man’s head open last year? Turns out nothing wrong happened. [CBC.ca]
* Amazon pushes back against unionization, alleging that voters were bribed with marijuana. Is this why the plant isn’t legalized federally? [Business Insider]
Wish Protecting And Serving Was Colorblind? Maybe We Need More K-9s
I know all dogs go to Heaven… wish more went to the Police Academy in the interim. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 04.04.22
* Two Americas: Legal battles are making for radically different living experiences state by state. [NYT]
* Too little, too late? New federal anti-lynching law may not be enough of a deterrent. [NPR]
* Florida has been trying to make the most of the whole 1965 Voting Rights Act being gutted and all. [NYT]
* Trump’s Twitter emulator is failing bigly. Hard to speak freely with bad coders. [BBC]
* All good boys protect and serve: Officer attacking a teenager bitten by K-9. [YouTube]
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 03.29.22
* Two Wills passing in the night: The 2022 version of Raffles v. Wichelhaus just dropped. [Fox Baltimore]
* No one is safe from this “soul grabbing” police officer — not even his colleagues. [Daily Mail]
* You down with PPP? Every last homie, apparently. [NBC News]
* The Justice formerly known for not speaking is still in the hot seat. I know there’s no Supreme Court binding code of ethics that would mandate recusal, but come on now… [FFRF]
* What’s a little crime between patriots? Judge thinks Trump probably committed a crime, with what the whole not respecting the democratic election process and all. [NPR]
Cops Can Cancel Their Kickboxing Membership After This 5th Circuit Ruling
It's easy to back the blue when they're all black belts. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 08.26.21
* Fourth Circuit upholds terrorist’s death sentence. [APNews]
*Cop bludgeons man 18 times with metal flashlight. How is this protecting or serving? [NPR]
* Turns out the class of 2020 is doing okay. Does this mean they can cover their friend’s bar tabs? If I’m their friend, I hope so. [Reuters]
* Heads up, the Paralympics are still in session! Still in awe of Matt Simpson’s work-life balance. And congrats to Piers Gilliver on winning gold in wheelchair fencing! Keep up to date here. [Twitter]
* Give me liberty or I’ll give you briefs!: Father strips down to his boxers to make a point about school mask mandates. [TampaFP]
Police Should Not Be Above The Law
Tweets of police brutality against protesters and journalists. -
At Least You Can Talk Smack About The Cops After They Beat You Up
A nice Fourth Circuit ruling against gag orders. -
At Least One Judge In Brooklyn Knows How To Stop Police Brutality
He'll probably get smacked down by the Supreme Court though. -
Biglaw Partner Intervenes After Witnessing Police Assault A Motorist
Once the lawyer showed up, the officer went from kicking the driver to shaking his hand. -
Naked Harvard Student Assaulted By Cambridge Police, Caught On Video
Going to Harvard will not protect you from police brutality.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

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Unarmed Black Man Murdered In Own Backyard By Terrorists Wearing Blue Uniforms
The fact that the terrorists happened to be police really shouldn't matter. -
Virginia Police Are So Casual About Violating This Mother's First Amendment Rights They Must Not Know Those Exist
They're also abusing their FOIA discretion, but at least the police do that all the time. -
Even Unruly Football Fans Deserve Protection From The Cops
The cops must be restrained, even when they are restraining us. -
Non-Sequiturs: 07.28.17
* At a rally in front of Long Island police, Trump said that he was okay with police being “rougher” on arrested suspects. And the officers roared their approval. I grew up on Long Island. The first person to ever call me the N-word to my face was a Long Island police officer when I was a tween. I can’t explain to you guys how absolutely chilling and terrifying this moment was for me. I wish you MAGA people, you soft bigots who think that this is a game of your guy versus political correctness, could understand why people like me will never stop fighting people like you. [Lawyers Guns and Money]
* I’ve kind of moved passed the point where the courts tell Donald Trump that he cannot block people on Twitter, because I expect that will be a fairly obvious decision. I’m now wondering if the courts can order the specific performance of Trump unblocking those he doesn’t wish to hear. And, naturally, I’m wondering if people tweeting at him, day and night, things he can’t block, will make him cry. [Slate]
* This guy argues, more or less, that partisan gerrymandering is not the cause of our factionalized democracy, it’s merely one of the results. I think it’s more of a feedback loop: we’re factionalized, which leads to gerrymandering, which leads to more factionalization, and so on, until we get to the point where 60 million people can elect a crazy person to lord over a country of 320 million souls. That also probably explains why Dunkirk is going to win an Oscar. [Election Law Blog]
* I’d like to think of John Roberts vacationing in New Zealand like Gandalf visiting The Shire. I can picture him, smoking some pipe weed, setting off some fireworks, enjoying a moment untrammeled by thoughts of what’s happening back at home in Mordor. [Constitution Daily]
* I assume the GOP will now move onto tax reform, which is codenamed: “Operation Cannot Possibly Fail, Again.” Tax Prof blog has put together a fine collection of links on where we stand with that. [Tax Prof Blog]
* Checking in with white American news sources, it would appear that Fox News doesn’t recognize the defeat of the Republicans’ signature policy proposal for the past seven years as “headline” news. They’re much more interested in getting a special prosecutor to look into a couple of women who hold no public office, and the FBI director who handed them an election. But they’re not totally ignorant of what’s going on. “Couple jump to their deaths because they ‘can’t afford’ health care,” is a below-the-fold story. The Republican plan wouldn’t have reduced costs for this couple, nor made it easier for them to get the mental health services that could have saved their lives. But when you support a president whose stated policy goal is “implosion,” human tragedy furthers your aims. [Fox News]
* In case you missed last night’s dramatic moment:
Justice, Police
To Stop Police Brutality, Maybe We Have To Teach White People How To Read? Or Something?
Officer tries to explain how he was brutal, but somehow people can't see it. -
Justice, Police
Do The Cops Have To Use Sarin Gas On Us Before White People Will Stop Them?
More video of U.S. forces brutalizing their own people. -
Justice, SCOTUS
In First Ruling Of New Year, Supreme Court Again Defends Police's License To Kill
Where you come down on this case probably has a lot to do with whether you think "qualified immunity" is a bug, or a feature.