Do You Even Know How Hard You Have To Steal To Get Lifetimes Worth Of Time? -- See Also

All My Friends Hate Con Law: Even the rich and famous ones. Hope Remains For Student Loan Forgiveness!: Also, how often do you see the use of the word "tiddlywinks" in a legal setting? Ever Wondered Why Most Of The NFL Higher-Ups Look Like Cracker Barrel Customers?: This suit wants to get to the root of it. It’s Looking Like Life Even Without The Murder Charge: Sure, crime pays, but it costs a lot of time too. Having A Rough Day? At Least You Aren't Ted Frank: We like to look at the bright side, yanno?


Pictured: Con Law Hater

All My Friends Hate Con Law: Even the rich and famous ones.

Hope Remains For Student Loan Forgiveness!: Also, how often do you see the use of the word “tiddlywinks” in a legal setting?

Ever Wondered Why Most Of The NFL Higher-Ups Look Like Cracker Barrel Customers?: This suit wants to get to the root of it.

It’s Looking Like Life Even Without The Murder Charge: Sure, crime pays, but it costs a lot of time too.

Having A Rough Day? At Least You Aren’t Ted Frank: We like to look at the bright side, yanno?