Morning Docket: 02.28.23
* When the Trump administration used COVID as a rationale to unilaterally rewrite immigration laws, the Supreme Court thought that was fine. Today, the same justices will scream bloody murder at the idea of the Biden administration using the COVID economic slump to justify forgiving $20K worth of student loans the same way the government forgave millions in PPP loans. Because... reasons. [Reuters] * Law firms get conservative on legal technology amid recession fears. I guess this means they aren't trying to bring in tech to reduce attorney ranks. [Legaltech News] * Rupert Murdoch acknowledges in testimony that Fox News lied about the election. Did these people even have in-house counsel in 2020? [Law360] * Merrick Garland's appearance on Capitol Hill tomorrow will very much suck for him. [Esquire] * The ongoing Neil Gerrard scandal will go to court next week to find out just how much Dechert owes one of its former clients. [Bloomberg Law News] * Florida court denies the habeas petition a pregnant detainee filed on behalf of her fetus. As always "Life Begins At Conception... Some Terms and Conditions Apply." [The Guardian]

(Photo by Al Drago/Getty Images)

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* Law firms get conservative on legal technology amid recession fears. I guess this means they aren’t trying to bring in tech to reduce attorney ranks. [Legaltech News]
* Rupert Murdoch acknowledges in testimony that Fox News lied about the election. Did these people even have in-house counsel in 2020? [Law360]
* Merrick Garland’s appearance on Capitol Hill tomorrow will very much suck for him. [Esquire]
* The ongoing Neil Gerrard scandal will go to court next week to find out just how much Dechert owes one of its former clients. [Bloomberg Law News]

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* Florida court denies the habeas petition a pregnant detainee filed on behalf of her fetus. As always “Life Begins At Conception… Some Terms and Conditions Apply.” [The Guardian]

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