Tag: Biglaw
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.24.23
* Everyone fears that young, lockdown lawyers aren’t well-trained. And they probably aren’t… but instead of addressing that, firms will just complain about hybrid offices some more. [Law.com]
* Congratulations to Sidney Powell, who dodged an ethics complaint when a Greg Abbott-appointed judge tossed the case. Aileen Cannon is an inspiration to so many out there… [Reuters]
* DOJ seeks sanctions against Google for deleting employee chats. Why delete them? Just leave them on the Google chat platform and literally no one will ever be able to find them again. [Law360]
* The legal luminary who convinced Mike Pence not to participate in a coup hopes to convince the former Veep to do the right thing again. [NY Times]
* Trump has MORE classified documents now? [CNN]
Small Law Firms
Say 'No' To The Tyranny Of 'Yes'
Once you start learning to say 'no' to the demands of other people, you will find more joy. - Sponsored
What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture. -
Biglaw Partner Gets Benchslapped By Federal Judge, Avoids Criminal Contempt
The judge laid on the guilt while scolding the Biglaw partner.
The Most Searched For Biglaw Firms (2022)
What did your firm do last year that made people search for it over and over again? -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally. -
Small Law Firms
Harvey Not-So Marvy, Booze Lose, Fox Shox
And, of course, the latest from Trump World! -
Biglaw, Technology
Akin Gump Loses Bid To Dismiss Legal Tech Company’s Counterclaims In Suit Over Ownership Of Bill-Drafting Software
The firm lost its bid to dismiss four of five counterclaims filed by Xcential Legislative Technologies in a lawsuit over ownership rights to legislation-drafting software that each side says was its idea. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.23.23
* Another effort to strike “non-lawyer” from the industry vernacular. Deploying the phrase to denigrate other professionals is bad, but… it’s pretty important for a host of ethical reasons that folks know if their law firm contact is a lawyer or not. [Law.com]
* Shocking absolutely no one, when faculty met to discuss an effort by some Christian law students to get official recognition for new clubs to exclude LGBTQ students, the meeting was recorded and leaked to Fox News. Because the whole point for these initiatives is to get on Fox News. But now police are involved and students are getting a crash course in the difference between one- and two-party consent states. [NHPR]
* Alex Murdaugh’s lawyer pulled a gun on the prosecutor? Meh, seems par for this course. [Intelligencer]
* Even if Section 230 survives, it won’t shield ChatGPT. [Lawfare]
* Regulators are starting to think billion-dollar crypto deals might be a problem. Welcome to the party. [Reuters]
Biglaw Firms Are Firing With One Hand, Hiring With The Other
Biglaw giveth, and Biglaw taketh away. -
Elon Musk Settlement Agreement As Unconstitutional Taking Is... A Theory
Musk's legal team cites landmark Property case to undermine SEC settlement agreement. -
Infamy And The Billable Hour
Clarence Thomas is getting a statue... allow your imagination to run wild. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.22.23
* Elon Musk asks court to lift protections designed to keep him from committing more SEC violations. What could possibly go wrong? [CNBC]
* The Supreme Court may still want to blow up the internet, but they don’t seem like they want to do it over this case. [SCOTUSBlog]
* Delaware lowers bar passage score. Apparently global climate change has made hell freeze over. [Reuters]
* Hogan Lovells net income down 13 percent. Starting to see why they might be in the merger market. [American Lawyer]
* Put aside four days in the office… could we really operate on a four-day work week? Yes, reports obvious study. [Courthouse News Service]
* Law firms band together to oppose SEC request for the names of Covington clients targeted in cyberattack. [Law360]
Prosecutor Rips Biglaw Billing Practices While Downgrading Manslaughter Charges Against Alec Baldwin
Sick burn by the charging prosecutor in this celebrity case.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
Intellectual Property
3 Takeaways From The Lex Machina 2023 Patent Report
A little less than half of the damages awarded in 2020 have already been reversed on appeal, which may not bode very well for big verdicts achieved in 2021 and 2022 as well. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.21.23
* The next Biglaw partner you talk to might be a criminal. Yeah, yeah, we get it, but this time we mean that literally. [Law360]
* Kim Kardashian has a new update on her legal studies. [LegalCheek]
* After full body shot it down, ABA Council votes again to end the mandatory admissions test requirement. Just like with the LSAT: if at first you don’t succeed… [Law.com]
* Supreme Court will hear argument on whether or not to blow up the internet. It’s an issue with a lot of nuance that will absolutely be decided by the majority deciding “the Framers didn’t have broadband access, so….” [Reuters]
* Schlitz is the beer that made Milwaukee famous, and now it’s the beer that makes judicial elections deeply problematic. [The Guardian]
* New York public interest attorneys plan strike after failing to get a favorable contract. Access to justice is only as good as the legal team it can recruit and sustain. [The City]
The Biglaw Firm Tapped To Handle Potential Impeachment Threat To Biden Cabinet Member
The Biglaw firm will handle the potential impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas. -
Hello, Harvey: This Elite Biglaw Firm Is The First To Partner With 'Game-Changing' AI Chatbot
This firm is giving the robots the chance to come for lawyers' jobs -- and do them better. -
Biglaw Associate Unsuspended After Challenging Colleague To Shirtless Brawl While Making Racist Remarks
Yikes. This still wasn't the best idea.... -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Back To Normal: A Reality Check On The Associate Lateral Market
If you’re an associate entering the lateral market, there's good news and bad news. -
The Business Of Fun
In a post-pandemic world, remote workers crave fun. Most firms are failing to deliver.