Education / Schools
Education / Schools, Sponsored Content
What's Big Data’s Role In Next Year's Trends For Higher Education?
The pace of data creation continues to accelerate too, which explains why data makes an appearance in every 2022 higher education trend covered in our newly released report. -
Education / Schools
The Culture War Turned Legal And It's Hurting Kids
Ignorance isn't always bliss. Sometimes it's discontent. - Sponsored
Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With… -
Education / Schools
Refusing To Be Known As Just The Racist School District, Antivax Added To The Mix
'History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.'
Education / Schools
High School Students At School That Banned BLM Flags Treat Black Classmates Like Slaves
Did the kids do this during History or Economics? -
Education / Schools
GA Schools: Masks Are A 'Personal Choice,' But Dissing The School On Social Media Is Serious Disciplinary Infraction
Children are our most precious resource. Also our most dangerous enemy. -
Education / Schools
Falwell's Liberty University Pockets Fees After Pretending To Open Dorms, Suit Alleges
Oh, no, Jerry Falwell would NEVER! -
Education / Schools
White People And The N-Word: A Complicated Relationship?
It's horrifying that you WANT to use a word that is so intertwined with oppression and enslavement. -
Education / Schools
The College Admissions Scandal Shows How Broken The System Is And Why No One Is Willing To Make Changes
Is anyone willing to fix this? Or will the status quo remain the same forever? - Sponsored
What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture. -
Education / Schools
Can We Now Address Legacy Admissions? Or Will We Keep Focusing On Affirmative Action In A Silo?
Inequality begets inequality. And we are only becoming more unequal. -
Education / Schools
Current Stanford Students File Class-Action Because Scammers 'Devalued' Their Degree
We have gone from outrage to idiocy in record time. -
Education / Schools
Trump Reverses Obama Guidance On Affirmative Action, As The White Supremacist Takeover Continues Apace
To be honest, I'm surprised it took them this long to do this. -
Education / Schools
Nasty Roommate Arrested For, Essentially, Bio-Terrorism To Get Rid Of Her Black Roommate
University didn't seem to take the allegations serious until it went... viral. -
Biglaw, Education / Schools
16 Colleges Decide To Share A Law Firm To Cut Costs, But Will Other Schools Follow?
The law school tuition bubble gets the most attention because this is a legal audience and there are also real access to justice issues involved in pricing students out of pursuing public interest and other lower paying roles. But we’ve all gone to college too and the undergraduate tuition bubble is just as real and […]

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally.

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With…

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals.

Education / Schools, Justice
UNC Says Law Is 'Unclear' About Removal Of Confederate Statues
Is Now The Time For Some Old School Civil Disobedience? -
Education / Schools
If You Care About Kids, This Is A Pretty Important Lawsuit
Kansas faces an interesting new challenge to its effort to strip tenure from public school teachers. -
Education / Schools, Federal Judges, Job Searches
Judge Merrick Garland For President -- Of Harvard University
The former Supreme Court nominee would make a perfect leader for the great university. -
Education / Schools, Justice, Sex
Columbia Settles With 'Mattress Girl' Victim, Who Is Not Mattress Girl, Somehow
Even if Columbia is apologizing to the right person, it's for the wrong thing. -
Education / Schools, Supreme Court
What Law Students and Young Attorneys Can Take Away From Chief Justice Roberts’s Unconventional Advice
Columnist Renwei Chung highlights key life lessons from the Chief Justice's recent remarks. -
Education / Schools, Student Loans
Betsy DeVos Sued By Coalition Of States Over Failure To Protect Student Loan Borrowers
This may be the first of many lawsuits of this kind. -
Education / Schools, Free Speech, Law Schools
First Monday Musings By Dean Vik Amar: One Dean's Take On Public University Speech Suppression
Dean Vik Amar analyzes one proposal to protect free speech on campus.