Minority Issues
Minority Issues
The Percentage Of Black Lawyers Is Actually On The Decline
The industry needs to do better. - Sponsored
Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With… -
Minority Issues, Women's Issues
Can Lawyers Of Color And Women Get Ahead Now?
There have been many opportunities for change and so far, the change needle has not moved very much.
Minority Issues
Our Country Is Failing Its Asian American Senior Citizens -- We Must Step Up To Protect Them
Another week in the pandemic, and another series of vicious attacks on unsuspecting Asian American senior citizens. -
Minority Issues, Women's Issues
Random Neural Firings About Diversity And Discrimination
Although misery loves company, it shouldn’t be that way, either here or across the pond, and yet, it is. -
Minority Issues
This Lawyer (And Former Bachelorette Contestant) Says He Was Racially Profiled While Jogging
Lawyer says he was profiled for jogging while Black. -
Minority Issues
Tackling The Implicit Bias Of The Legal Industry
There are concrete steps every firm can take to ameliorate the impact of their implicit bias. -
Minority Issues
Noticeable Improvement In Leadership Representation, But Challenges Remain For Minorities In The Legal Profession
We have to understand the root causes of why law firms are failing on the diversity front to develop a proper strategy to combat the status quo. - Sponsored
What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture. -
Minority Issues, Women's Issues
Should We Leave The Issue Of Diversity In The Hands Of Biglaw?
Perhaps the answer is for the ranks of the underrepresented in our profession to simply change the model and the profession as a whole. -
Career Alternatives, Minority Issues
Attorney And Playwright Christine Hoang On Representation, Rediscovery, And ‘A Girl Named Sue’
'No one is going to create this space for you... you need to make that space for yourself.' -
Minority Issues, Women's Issues
Hero Federal Judge Takes Steps To Increase Meaningful Experience For Diverse Lawyers
Diversity is everyone's responsibility. -
Biglaw, Minority Issues
The Best Biglaw Firms For Minority Attorneys Who Want To Make Partner
Did your law firm make the cut for this important metric? -
Minority Issues, Racism
Well This Is Certainly An Awkward Time For #Resistance Leader Lloyd Blankfein To Deal With A Racial Discrimination Suit
'Segregation is alive and well on Wall Street.'

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally.

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With…

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals.

Asians, Department of Justice, Minority Issues
As Asian Americans Become More Pivotal In The Affirmative Action Debate, Both Sides Weigh In
Two opposing viewpoints on affirmative action, from Cory Liu and Jenn Fang. -
Labor / Employment, Minority Issues, On The Job
The Curious Case Of The Employee Manifesto: Diversity Initiatives Are Hard Work
Three tips for enhancing diversity, from employment lawyer Beth Robinson. -
Asians, Department of Justice, Minority Issues
Asian Americans Are Being Used As A Wedge To Advance The Anti-Affirmative Action Agenda
Many Asians are actually strong proponents of affirmative action. -
Canada, Minority Issues
Shocker: The Canadian Supreme Court Is Really, Really White
And this is a big problem, according to many observers. -
Labor / Employment, Minority Issues, On The Job
Discrimination In The Workplace: Talking About Racial Bias Is Hard But Must Be Done
The biggest impediment to anything meaningful moving the needle of diversity is the lack of honest discussion. -
Crime, Minority Issues, Prisons
O.J. Beats The Race Card Again
One-in-four white inmates are released following their first parole hearing, while fewer than one-in-six black inmates are. -
Biglaw, Minority Issues
Biglaw Remains Painfully Stagnant, So What Can Law Firms Do?
Gender diversity is important, but it's not the only form of diversity.