Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Supremely Slow Out Of The Gates
The Court has decelerated its decision release pace across recent years as the justices have also authored fewer majority opinions. -
Supreme Court
Citations To Briefs In Oral Arguments And Opinions
Briefs are the most important component of presenting a Supreme Court case. How are the justices using them? - Sponsored
Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With… -
Courts, Politics, Supreme Court
Will Justice Breyer Retire? Reading The Clerk Hiring Tea Leaves
Law clerk hiring can offer hints into a justice's retirement plans; what does Justice Breyer's tell us?
Supreme Court
The Spectacle Of Stigma
It has become very interesting to see when kneeling at a football game is acceptable behavior. -
Supreme Court
If Section 2 Of The Voting Rights Act Included The Word 'Religion' There Would Be No Question The Roberts Court Would Uphold It
Because Section 2’s disparate-impact liability only concerns race discrimination, it is widely expected that the Roberts Court will strike it down. -
Courts, Supreme Court
Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: The Complete Clerk Roster For October Term 2020
With Justice Barrett's first set of clerks, plus the destinations of the late Justice Ginsburg's clerks. -
Courts, Supreme Court
Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: Meet Justice Amy Coney Barrett's Clerks
Following precedent, Justice Barrett has hired clerks with either prior SCOTUS clerkship experience or prior experience clerking for her. -
Courts, Supreme Court
What Will Happen To Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Law Clerks?
They'll find homes with other justices -- most likely, justices close to RBG on the ideological spectrum. - Sponsored
What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture. -
Courts, Supreme Court
Meet The 5 Finalists For President Trump's Next Supreme Court Nomination
And check out the odds on each of them getting the nod. -
Courts, Supreme Court
Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: A Term Like No Other
Feast your eyes on the complete roster of Supreme Court law clerks for October Term 2020. -
Supreme Court
When 'Shortlisted' Means 'Short-Circuited'
A number of very accomplished women were on the shortlist during various presidential administrations before Reagan. -
Courts, Supreme Court
The Supreme Court's Successful New Approach To Oral Argument
Let's hope that SCOTUS sticks with these reforms post-pandemic. -
Supreme Court
States' Rights Revenge? 3 Key Takeaways From SCOTUS Ruling In Allen v. Cooper
Here are some thoughts about states running roughshod over copyright owners’ rights to their works.

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News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally.

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With…

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals.

Supreme Court
The Roberts Court Is Here
With Kavanaugh's arrival, the last Term provided a glimpse of the fully armed and operational Roberts Court. -
Supreme Court
Everyone Needs To Chill Out About RBG's Hospital Trips
Justice Ginsburg is recovering at home after a fever took her to the hospital. -
Supreme Court
Stephen Breyer Is So Afraid Of Criminals He Sided With Clarence Thomas
Criminal law makes strange bedfellows. -
Courts, Supreme Court
Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: Justice Kavanaugh's History-Making Class Of Clerks
All four are women, a first at One First Street, and thanks to them, women constitute a majority of this Term's clerks -- the first time this has happened in SCOTUS history. -
Supreme Court
Can You Master The Supreme Court’s Precise Seating Chart?
With Justice Kennedy gone new seating was in order. -
Supreme Court
Supreme Court Continues Its Modernization Campaign: Requires Warrants For Some Cell Phone Searches
Chief Justice Roberts joins the liberals to limit warrantless searches of cell phone data.