How Much Do In-House Lawyers Make?
We surveyed more than 1,600 attorneys to find out. The results of our latest In-House Counsel Compensation Survey are now available.
Having a sense of the compensation universe is essential not only for working corporate counsel who want to benchmark their pay but also for law firm attorneys considering a move in-house.
That’s where Above the Law’s In-House Compensation Survey comes in. Working with our friends at Lake Whillans, we surveyed more than 1,600 corporate counsel about their compensation this year. We’re pleased now to share the results in the 2022 edition of the ATL In-House Compensation Report.
We heard from attorneys across the country, working in a broad range of industries and at companies of varying size. They reported on their base pay, bonuses, raises, and stock compensation.
In addition to comparing salaries by market and company size, this year we also looked at compensation filtered by several other factors.
How does in-house pay vary by geographic region, by industry, by experience? Does the size of the legal department or the kind of work in-house lawyers handle affect their compensation? Do the results reveal gender discrepancies similar to those we see in law firm partner compensation?
For insights into these issues and more, download your free report here.