Tag: Equity Partners
This Biglaw Firm Has The Most Women Equity Partners In The Am Law 200
Equity partnership is the best kind of partnership. -
Is The Problem With Partnerships The Partnership?
How permanent equity in firms might change the face of law for the better. - Sponsored
Legal Knowledge Management To Drive Dealmaking
Here’s how Lexis Search Advantage | Transactional unites internal and external research to create better deals faster. -
There's Only One Type Of Partner At These Biglaw Firms -- The Equity Kind
No second-class partners here.
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Is It Better To Be An Equity Partner Or Non-Equity Partner?
On balance, equity partnership is likely still more rewarding in most cases. But for lawyers in certain situations, non-equity arrangements can have strong appeal. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Evolving Partnership Economics: The Equity And Non-Equity Models Are Starting To Blur
In the current law firm landscape, the fact that a lawyer has been designated a partner often conveys very little about the economic arrangement between that lawyer and the firm. -
Partnership Really Is A Brass Ring At These Biglaw Firms
Ain't no partnership like an equity partnership. -
The Incredible Shrinking Equity Ranks
As making equity partner becomes more elusive, smart firms will think beyond the numbers. -
Women Are Becoming Equity Partners, Not Many Of Them, But Still
What is partnership if it is not equity partnership? -
Yes, You Can Increase The Number Of Equity Partners And Profits Per Partner At The Same Time
Mo' equity partners, mo' revenue. -
Making Partner Is Not As Awesome As You'd Think
Not all partners in Biglaw are created equal. -
Biglaw, Partner Issues
The Biglaw Firms With The Most Female Equity Partners
Some of these firms should be applauded, but some of them ought to be shamed. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 10.05.16
* Who recently made partner at Kirkland & Ellis, Covington & Burling, Goodwin Procter, and Curtis Mallet-Prevost? Here’s a nice round-up that highlights the names of the 112 associates who were promoted at these four firms. Don’t be too shocked by that high number; the vast majority of partner promotions were made at Kirkland, where 81 attorneys were welcomed into the ranks of the firm’s non-equity partnership. [Big Law Business]
* In what’s hailed as a victory for gay rights, Massachusetts expanded the legal definition of the word “parent” to be read “in a gender-neutral manner, to apply where a child is ‘born to [two people], is received into their joint home, and is held out by both as their own child.'” The state’s high court also allowed parentage laws to be construed to apply to members of same-sex couples without biological ties to the children. [WSJ Law Blog]
* Today, SCOTUS will hear arguments in a case challenging “judge-made law,” that is, what is and isn’t considered insider trading. If you trade on information received from a third party who received it from an insider, is that insider trading? Even Mark Cuban wants to know, writing in an amicus brief that “no one should be prosecuted for conduct that Congress is either unwilling or unable to define.” [DealBook / New York Times]
* The Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down a law that forced abortion providers to save fetal tissue samples from patients younger than 14 years old, on top of other broad restrictions. The court unanimously ruled that the law violated the state constitution’s “one subject” rule. In a separate concurrence, four judges would’ve struck down the law as an unconstitutional burden on a woman’s right to have an abortion. [Reuters]
* Much like America, the Supreme Court seems to have a problem with race this Term. The high court will be hearing three divisive cases having to do with racial slurs, racial rhetoric, and racial epithets, and the Court may very well be divided along ideological lines, resulting in 4-4 deadlocks thanks to the seat left vacant by the late Justice Antonin Scalia and the Senate’s refusal to give Judge Merrick Garland a hearing. [CNN]
Biglaw, Partner Issues
In Major Overhaul, Biglaw Firm Creates Two-Tier Partnership To Boost Profits
This is a pretty bold move.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
Biglaw, Partner Issues
This Biglaw Firm May Demote Partners To Boost Profits
Which firm is considering shearing the ranks of its equity partners? -
Biglaw, Partner Issues, Women's Issues
7 Highlights From The 2015 Survey On Retention And Promotion Of Women In Law Firms
Hopefully we are not one hundred years away from gender equality in the partnership ranks. -
Biglaw, Money, Partner Issues
You Won't Get The Money!
What are the odds of you actually making $3 million as a partner at a Biglaw firm? Biglaw partner turned in-house lawyer Mark Herrmann runs the numbers. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 09.14.15
* A former DJ is suing Taylor Swift because he claims that he lost his job after he was falsely accused of grabbing the singer’s ass. When contacted for comment, Swift said, “I’ve got a blank motion to dismiss, baby, and I’ll write your name.” [Associated Press]
* BakerHostetler’s partners unanimously agreed to do away with its two-tiered partnership structure. We would’ve been shocked the firm was going to kick its nonequity partner title to the curb, but we broke the news on it last month. [Am Law Daily]
* Albany Law’s new dean thinks she may have a solution to the school’s enrollment problem, which is down by 38 percent since 2010. She wants to hire more professors, even though the school’s existing professors aren’t exactly pleased. [Albany Business Review]
* California’s legislature approved a landmark bill that will permit physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. If Governor Jerry Brown refuses to sign the “death with dignity” law, supporters will likely bring it to a ballot referendum. [New York Times]
* A Brooklyn bride alleges in a recently filed lawsuit that she’s still waiting for her wedding pictures… more than two years after her wedding took place. She’s clearly not a bridezilla, because if she were, a lawsuit wouldn’t have even been necessary. [New York Post]
Biglaw, Partner Issues
Major Partnership Overhaul In The Works At Biglaw Firm
A major law firm considers eliminating its non-equity partner class. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
2014 Lateral Hiring Report: Law Firm Partners
This week we are issuing the first part of a special report on trends in the 2014 lateral hiring market. -
Bankruptcy, Biglaw, Dissolution, Lateral Moves, Law Firm Mergers, Layoffs, Partner Issues, Staff Layoffs
More Info About The Morgan Lewis / Bingham McCutchen Deal
How many Bingham associates are being invited to join Morgan Lewis, and what will happen to Bingham's Kentucky back-office operation?