Tag: Human Rights
Maine Religious Schools Would Rather Render It Back To Caesar Than Accept Gay Students
“I say unto ye, the money is cool and all, but if it means teaching those yucky kids I made wrong, just ignore it forreal” - Jesus, apparently -
Justice For Jamal Khashoggi
Imposing sanctions should be the minimum response because economic penalties alone will not deter MBS from pursuing further crimes. - Sponsored
Legal Knowledge Management To Drive Dealmaking
Here’s how Lexis Search Advantage | Transactional unites internal and external research to create better deals faster. -
Somebody Needs To Lose Their Job Behind This Brooklyn MDC Travesty
The heat is back on, and needs to be turned up on those responsible.
Sponsored Content, Technology
Announcing The Launch Of The LexisNexis Rule Of Law Foundation
Our ambition is to change the world for the better through advancing the rule of law. -
Amal Clooney Over Here Reminding People That America Is Enabling Atrocities
When you call reporters the "enemy of the people" there are repercussions. -
Non-Sequiturs: 03.21.16
* Just because you showed up drunk for jury duty, it doesn’t mean you should have to go to jail for it — at least according to the Florida Supreme Court. [Daily Business Review]
* George Will on why Republicans may wind up wishing they’d confirmed Chief Judge Merrick Garland when they had the chance. [Washington Post]
* Amal Clooney, speaking at a government communications summit in the United Arab Emirates, urges governments to be vocal, consistent, principled, expedient, and transparent when dealing with human rights issues. [Yahoo News]
* High academic achievement now linked to… failure in the workplace? Well, that’s simultaneously depressing and comforting. [Law and More]
* A former U.S. State Department employee faces up to 8 years in jail for a massive phishing scheme aimed at getting young women to share nude photos. [CS Monitor]
* Check out The Merrick Garland Project by NYU Law Review. It’s a curation of select opinions written by Chief Judge Garland, organized by topic. [The Merrick Garland Project]
* The obstructed Supreme Court nomination process gets a children’s book treatment. [Slate]
Law Professors, Law Schools
Amal Clooney Is Going Back To School
Professor Clooney is going to teach at a law school... but where will she go? -
Non-Sequiturs: 12.28.15
* Fear eroding free speech rights is as dangerous as you might imagine. [Huffington Post]
* Remembering the space strike — this day in history. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]
* Lawyers are smart, but not smart enough to avoid being scammed. [American Lawyer]
* On the societal import of lawyers. [Guile is Good!]
* Remembering the humor Joe Jamail left us with. [Coverage Opinions]
* Social media is changing the nature of evidence at trial. [Global Legal Post]
Non-Sequiturs: 09.25.15
* Well, this is one way to deal with the Free the Nipple campaign: ban sideboob and underboob. And while you’re at it, legalize public boners because consistency is hard. Heh. [Vice]
* The Pope’s homelessness chops are on point. [What About Paris?]
* This is the absolute best way to troll prestige whores. [Daily Lawyer Tips]
* Is this the best recommendation letter ever? [Lawyers, Guns & Money]
* This is how bigamy cases go down in the world of Facebook. [Legal Juice]
* Using forensic evidence to document human rights abuses. [Pacific Standard]
* What’s going on with Janet Yellen? [Dealbreaker]
* Interesting to legal nerds (and maybe others). The Justice Department’s very influential Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) — the division that produced the torture memos, among other things — cranks out a lot of law professors. [Yale Journal on Regulation]
Non-Sequiturs: 07.15.15
* Doesn’t the increasingly bloated Republican presidential primary field seem like a plot from Veep rather than real life? Well, take a break from the world’s insanity and break down the election law quandary from the season finale of the hit show. [Law.com]
* Spoiler alert: the performance art defense doesn’t work. [Dealbreaker]
* Good news for New York Bar Exam takers — don’t stress about grabbing lunch on the day of the exam. [Custom Gourmet]
* This… is not going to end well. China arrested more than 100 human rights lawyers for inciting trouble. [Christian Science Monitor]
* I think it’s entirely possible Harper Lee never intended to publish “Go Set A Watchman” and that makes me hesitant to read the novel, but Harvard Law School professor Randall Kennedy’s call to “abandon the immature sentimentality ingrained by middle school lessons about the nobility of the white savior” has me itching to buy the book. [New York Times]
* Speaking of the incredibly sketchy circumstances under which Harper Lee’s novel was published, maybe it’s time to blame the lawyer? [New Republic]
* Remember that viral video about cat-calling on NYC streets from last year? Yeah, the woman featured is suing the makers of the video (along with Google, YouTube, and TGI Fridays). Only problem? She got nothing in writing. [Slate]
* I sure hope no attorneys were sucked into this M&A fraud. [Forbes]
* OIL AND HEAVY WATER FOR EVERYBODY — a take on the Iran deal. [Breaking Energy]
International Law, Law Schools
NYU Law Students Need To Get Off Their High Horse
NYU students are up in arms over a professor who has given controversial legal advice. -
International Law, Law Schools
4 Well-Intentioned International Law Ideas That Are Doomed to Fail
This is why international law fails. -
9/11, Barack Obama, Bloomberg, Books, Guantanamo Bay, Military / Military Law, Politics, Trials, Videos, War on Terror
Is It Time To Close Guantanamo Bay?
One retired admiral thinks so, and a new book by a Wall Street Journal reporter provides supporting evidence.

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