Legal Analytics: In-House Counsel's Most Important Tool For Success
In-house professionals can use analytics to plan better in a legal landscape that is more competitive than ever.

Analytics to the rescue!
Lex Machina’s white paper on using contracts analytics in litigation disputes is a must-read, data-driven analysis of the legal landscape for in-house attorneys. By leveraging Lex Machina’s powerful analytics, the white paper examines current trends concerning breach of contract cases in federal district courts across the country.
The analytics variables available in Lex Machina’s Contracts Module — which has over 147,000 cases — include data on courts, judges, opposing counsel, parties with key insights on case outcomes, case timing, damages awards, and details on the findings in each case.
In-house counsel can learn more about the vast data that can inform all aspects of a case, from the law firms with the most contracts cases to possible damages awards, to gain a competitive advantage and implement winning strategies in any federal jurisdiction and with any judge.
Fill out the form to request your free copy of the white paper today.