Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property
Free Publicity, With Drake And 21 Savage
It is hard to argue that the Vogue vamping strategy was anything other than a resounding success. Even at the cost of a lawsuit. -
Intellectual Property
All In A Name
Having litigated dozens of patent cases over the past 20 years, I thought I had seen it all, at least in terms of the variety of motions that can be presented. But I was wrong ... - Sponsored
The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally. -
Intellectual Property
Difficult Do-Overs
Ultimately, this case is a good reminder of just how complicated big-ticket patent litigation can be.
Intellectual Property
Discovery Border Control
Which judge continues to be asked to act as a ‘discovery border control agent’ in jurisdictional disputes for patent cases? -
Intellectual Property
Smoking Out Infringers
For Solo Stove, the hope is undoubtedly that their filing against BonStove will pay dividends by not only getting BonStove off the market, but also by sending a message to other infringers that they mess with Solo Stove’s IP portfolio at their own risk. -
Intellectual Property
Porn Copyright Troll Lawyer The Absolute Worst; Bureau Of Prisons Says, 'Hold My Beer'
Solitary confinement is torture generally. In this case, it's absurd. -
Intellectual Property
3 IP Takeaways From The 2022 LF Dealmakers Forum
It remains important for IP lawyers and their clients to remain realistic about what the actual chances of securing funding are. -
Intellectual Property
Playing Both Sides
The phenomenon of playing both sides in patent litigation is a little less pronounced in the pharmaceutical context, though that has been changing. - Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
Government, Intellectual Property
Marching In
It was interesting to see a recent decision involving the Bayh-Dole Act in a patent case involving the United States as a defendant. -
Intellectual Property
Value Creation In IP
At least one nonpracticing entity has generated success by coming at the challenge of generating licensing revenue in a different way. -
Biglaw, Intellectual Property
3 Questions For An IP Associate Turned Legal Recruiting Entrepreneur (Part II)
There's great promise here, particularly for IP associates looking to take ownership over their careers. -
Fashion, Intellectual Property
Fashion Nova Removes Dress After Hanifa Copying Accusations
Anifa Mvuemba didn't name the fast-fashion retailer in her viral tweet about the alleged knockoff, but commenters were quick to call it out. -
Intellectual Property
3 Questions For An IP Associate Turned Legal Recruiting Entrepreneur (Part I)
It's difficult for firms to add much-needed associate help in a timely manner, especially outside of the established summer and first-year associate programs.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals.

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally.

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With…
Health Care / Medicine, Intellectual Property
Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine Patent Suit Points To Different Virus To Make Infringement Case Against Pfizer
Moderna is suing Pfizer and BioNTech, claiming they copied its messenger RNA work in developing their Covid-19 vaccine. The company notes that its patented work in respiratory infectious disease began years before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the biotech was pursuing an mRNA vaccine for a different coronavirus. -
Intellectual Property
Orange You Glad? A Dizzying Dispute Over What Constitutes Art
Should the case be appealed, the headline will write itself. -
Intellectual Property
3 Questions For A Litigator Turned Litigation Risk Insurance Broker (Part II)
As the insurance market for litigation risk continues to develop, the need for IP lawyers to keep current in their knowledge of what is available will become even more acute. -
Intellectual Property
3 Questions For Litigator Turned Litigation Risk Insurance Broker (Part I)
It is imperative that IP lawyers educate themselves on the litigation risk insurance space. -
Intellectual Property
Finally, A Win
Even the most dogged patent defendant can sometimes be defeated. -
Intellectual Property
Banking On Design
It is not surprising that at least some attempt to weaponize design patents would be undertaken by an ambitious patent owner. -
Intellectual Property
3 Lessons From Teaching IP To High Schoolers
It was a privilege to see how much IP-related information the students were able to absorb.