Tag: Alito Leak
Supreme Court Leaves Nine Stones Unturned
And what's going on with the legal market right now? -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 01.23.23
* The Supreme Court leak investigation accomplished two things: (1) we’re all more sure than ever that the leak sprung from a justice; and, (2) the justices have burned every bridge with their extended staff. [NY Times]
* Three Days of the Counsel-OR. OK that was a stretch, but the Am Law 100 is coalescing around three-day office policies. Even if firms remain divided over what that looks like in practice. [American Lawyer]
* Director Doug Liman did a more comprehensive job vetting Brett Kavanaugh than the FBI. [Washington Post]
* Government asks to hold Martin Shkreli in contempt. There are so many industries in this world… is it that hard not to start a business in one covered by a court order? [FTC]
* Proskauer unimpressed with former COO’s interpretation of his final days in the office. [Reuters]
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Everything You Need To Know About The Supreme Court Leak Report But The Justices Were Afraid To Ask
If you know what to look for, this report says a whole lot.
All That And The Supreme Court Still Has No Idea Who Leaked The Dobbs Decision
The investigation has revealed no suspects in the leak of the draft decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health. -
After VERY THOROUGH 10-Second Investigation, Supreme Court Declares Justice Alito Didn't Commit Ethical Breach
Letter responding to Hobby Lobby allegations sheds some light on Dobbs leak. -
Samuel Alito Only Thinks Supreme Court Leaks Are The Worst When He's Not The One Doing The Leaking
Well, well, well. What do we have here? Another SCOTUS leak story? Fascinating. -
Remember The Supreme Court Leak Investigation? Why Has Everyone Gotten So Quiet About That?
Crackerjack investigation. -
Elena Kagan Rebukes John Roberts Over Supreme Court Legitimacy
Justice Kagan knows what's up. -
John Roberts Is A Man In Desperate Search Of Legitimacy
Maybe if his colleagues weren't so excited to light precedent on fire, the Court's legitimacy wouldn't be in the tank. -
Neil Gorsuch Unintentionally Proves The Farce Of The Supreme Court Leak Story
The Court has struggled to come up with a good reason why this leak was actual a problem other than not liking when the little people question them. -
Abortion Rights Are About To Be Destroyed So Biglaw Firm Piles On The Bullsh*t
Let's see if our outrage meter goes to 11.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
Why Is Sonia Sotomayor Trying To Redeem Clarence Thomas?
Let's focus on the actual law, shall we? -
The Spotlight's About To Get Real Bright On Ginni Thomas
Will the committee ask Ginni all the questions we're eager to hear about? -
Courts, Government
VP Kamala Harris Meets With Law Professors Before SCOTUS Guts Roe v. Wade
Law professors gather to discuss the potentially disastrous results should Roe fall. -
Supreme Court Is Distinctly To The Right Of Most Americans
But Court reform remains unpopular. -
Courts, Technology
I Ran Justice Alito’s Draft Abortion Opinion Through The BriefCatch Legal Editing Software. Here’s What Happened.
BriefCatch, which reportedly counts several Supreme Court justices among its customers, actually scored the draft’s writing high. -
Biglaw Firms Finally Speak Up In Wake Of SCOTUS Leak, And They're Prepared To Defend Abortion Rights In America
Lawyers, it's time to assemble! -
Law Schools
Over 100 Law School Organizations Issue Statement On Alito Leak, Calling On Lawyers To Be Ready
The coming storm will push the legal profession. Law students want everyone prepared.