Tag: James Ho
Federal Judge Worries Steady Rise In Virulent, Insulting Opinions Might Make Judiciary Look Bad
Shockingly, decades of lionizing a judicial writing style based on calling your colleagues stupid creates young judges who call their colleagues stupid. -
When Judge Ho Feels The Need To Angrily Call Out The Fifth Circuit's Totalitarianism, You Know Things Are Bad
Judge Ho may not be right on many issues, but he nails this one. - Sponsored
Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With… -
Law Schools
Paul Clement Joins White Law Professor Who Uses The N-Word In Class... To Call For 'Civil Discourse'
I don't think they know what those words mean.
Have You Considered Not Lying Under Oath?
Also, let's talk about Biglaw and cancel culture. -
Law Schools
Federal Judges All But Admit Yale Law School Boycott Was A Ruse And The School Fell For It Hard
Free speech means the freedom to listen quietly to people with power. -
Judges Must Stop Writing For 'Cheerleading You Get From Twitter,' Judge Tells Crowd Of Twitter Cheerleaders
A noble attempt, but probably lost on this crowd. - Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
Law Schools
Yale Law School Invites Boycotting Judges To Campus... Totally Not Cowardly Desperation At All!
'Please like us again... we'll crush some dissenters for you if you want!' -
Law Schools
After James Ho Boycott, Another Conservative Judge Responds: Great, More Yale Clerks For Me!
The most logical and predictable response to this boycott. -
12 Federal Judges Suggest They're No Longer Hiring Yale Law School Clerks... But Too Cowardly To Go On The Record
They definitely could hire Yale clerks if they wanted to... yep, yessiree! -
Law Schools
James Ho Cancel Cultures Yale Law FedSoc Because Other Students Are Mean To Yale Law FedSoc Students
Wait... this doesn't make any sense.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful


What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
Trump Judge Thinks Police Accountability Will Lead To More Mass Shootings
Intellectually dishonest pro-torture hack, feels like an underwhelming description of Judge James C. Ho. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 07.26.18
* ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FILED! Against Rod Rosenstein. Alternative headline: In stunning turn, Rep. Jim Jordan demands accountability as long as it’s not for years of systematic sexual abuse. [Huffington Post]
* That Shook Hardy attorney who argued that a woman got pregnant in a diabolical nine-month scheme to delay trial? Yeah, he’s been suspended. [Daily Business Review]
* The Fifth Circuit’s James Ho isn’t so much a judge as a political hack in a robe. That Orin Kerr Tweet from April was just the canary in the mine. [NPR]
* Facebook GC Colin Stretch will pursue his lifelong passion of becoming the moderator of the Facebook Alumni Facebook Group. [Corporate Counsel]
* Trump’s ethics expert will also be leaving the job that he’s ostensibly been performing. [The Hill]
* Shareholder class actions are on the upswing this year. Gather ye rosebuds while ye don’t have Judge Kavanaugh declaring Rule 23 a First Amendment violation. [National Law Journal]
* Roy Moore sues PAC over negative campaign ads. Discovery should be fun. [Courthouse News Service]
* Larry Nassar wants a new sentencing hearing. See, this is what happens when judges grandstand and rip up letters to advance their political career — they just give these guys an in to try and futz with the sentence. [ESPN]
Non-Sequiturs: 07.22.18
* Which lawyers write the best Supreme Court amicus briefs? Adam Feldman uses Ross Guberman’s BriefCatch tool to find out. [Empirical SCOTUS]
* In advance of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation hearings, Carrie Severino has this handy roundup of eight important Kavanaugh opinions. [Bench Memos / National Review]
* Speaking of which, Professor Steve Vladeck raises some good possible questions for the nominee about the interaction between Morrison v. Olson and special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. [Lawfare]
* I don’t think Roe is getting overruled — but if it were to be overturned, what would happen to state abortion prohibitions that have not been officially repealed? [Josh Blackman]
* On that same subject, Professor Michael Dorf wonders: could Justice Thomas save abortion rights? [Take Care]
* Wherein Jonathan Adler and James Ho (now Judge James Ho) agree with Elie Mystal on the wrongness of that recent Washington Post op-ed about birthright citizenship. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]
* Is your legal department a “goat rodeo”? You’re not alone, according to Casey Flaherty. [3 Geeks and a Law Blog]
Non-Sequiturs: 04.22.18
* Joel Cohen makes the case for appointing a special master to review the attorney-client privilege claims in the case of Michael Cohen (no relation). [Law and Crime]
* A fun profile of Judge Kimba M. Wood (S.D.N.Y.), who’s presiding over the Cohen case — and who “doesn’t need to eat the whole barrel to know it’s not a pickle.” [Politico]
* Circuit judges can play it safe, in the hopes of making it to the Supreme Court someday, or they can be bold (which might help their SCOTUS chances, or might hurt them); Judge James Ho is going for the second approach. [U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit]
* Professor Eugene Volokh: “What is this, Mean Girls: Supreme Court Edition?” [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]
* Still on SCOTUS, which leading appellate lawyers (according to Chambers & Partners) have the most active practices before the high court? [Empirical SCOTUS]
* What’s the best new legal-information product out there, and what’s the best new product feature or function? Survey says…. [Dewey B Strategic]
* Because having a law school named after him wasn’t enough, Philadelphia trial lawyer Thomas R. Kline is now honored by a giant marble statue. [Philly.com]
* The Wisconsin Supreme Court will decide an important case about academic freedom (and Above the Law gets cited in the amicus brief of the National Association of Scholars — see footnote 29). [Badger Pundit]
* Congratulations to former Miss America winner Deidre Downs Gunn and attorney and writer Abbott Jones on their recent nuptials! [People]
* And congratulations to the recipients of 2018’s Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40 Awards! [LGBT Bar]
The Latest And Greatest In President Trump's Judicial Nominations (Part 1)
Here's a rundown of where things stand, including district as well as circuit courts. -
Federal Judges
A Surprising Turn In The Fifth Circuit Sweepstakes (Plus Seven Other Federal Judicial Nominees)
Congratulations to the two Texas nominees, including a celebrity tweeter!