Elite Biglaw Firm Raises Salaries For All Associates
Be sure to thank this firm for planting the idea of salary raises in law firm leaders' minds.
Well, well, well. It looks like it’s finally time for DLA to pay the Piper. See what I did there? Two can play at this game, Joe Patrice!
As we just heard from numerous sources, DLA Piper has decided to match the new prevailing market salary scale that was set by Davis Polk just last week.
Here’s what the new salary scale looks like at the firm, in each of its U.S. offices (DLA delineates salaries up to the Class of 2012+; it is only the third firm to do so):
- 2020: $205,000
- 2019: $215,000
- 2018: $240,000
- 2017: $275,000
- 2016: $305,000
- 2015: $330,000
- 2014: $350,000
- 2013: $365,000
- 2012+: $375,000
In all seriousness, perhaps associates owe a debt of gratitude to DLA. Back in March, the firm was the first to increase salaries outside of major markets, putting all associates on the then-prevailing $190K pay scale. Several firms quickly followed in the firm’s footsteps, righting their payscales. Prior to DLA’s move on salaries, no one else was even thinking of doing such a thing, much less instituting a major raise such as the one offered by Milbank, that was later one-upped by Davis Polk. Thanks to America’s No. 3 firm for planting this idea in the minds of law firm leaders.
Congratulations to everyone working across the country at DLA Piper!
(Flip to the next page to see the full memo from DLA Piper.)

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Staci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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