The First Biglaw Firm To Call For Trump's Removal From Office
The firm's management hopes other law firm leaders will heed the call to save our democracy.

(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
In the wake of yesterday’s attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol, Americans are searching for leaders to guide them since there is no leadership to be found at the head of our government, with President Donald Trump seeming to relish in the riots in his honor. Lawyers from one prominent firm have already taken heed, and are now calling for Trump to be removed from office — and they hope more law firm leaders will join the charge.
This morning, the leaders of Crowell & Moring, a Washington, D.C.-based Am Law 100 firm, issued a statement calling for the “defense of Constitutional democracy.” In that statement, the members of the firm’s management board demanded that the 25th Amendment be used to strip Trump of his title and duties. Here is the full statement:
Yesterday, we watched in horror as the U.S. Congress was subject to a mob’s raid and occupation of the Capitol, interrupting one of the most sacred traditions in our orderly transition of Constitutional power: the receipt and certification of the ballots cast by the states to the Electoral College. It was a scene framed by forcible illegal entry, assault on law enforcement officers, and a senseless death. It was the direct and predictable result of a rally summoned by the President, at which he reinforced false claims of a rigged election that have been rejected or outright disproven by every public and judicial review of our November 2020 presidential election. It was a riot incited by the President’s own words addressing that rally, and then excused by his words after it.
Lawyers have no special province when it comes to politics. We have our views, like all citizens, and we should act on them. But when it comes to defending our Constitution and our system of laws, we have a special duty and an exceptional perspective. In this moment, we must speak out, in devotion to these bedrock principles of our nation.
The President has proven himself unfit for office, and a reckless and wanton threat to the Constitution that he pledged to preserve, protect, and defend. We call upon the Vice President and the Cabinet officers to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, and to declare to the leaders of Congress that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. We further call upon all law firm leaders and all lawyers in government to join in this call, and to stand up for the democratic institutions and traditions of our republic and the Constitution that gives them life and protection.
Other law firm leaders have given statements about the horrific events that took place yesterday at the nation’s capital, but Crowell & Moring is the first law firm whose leadership has called for Trump’s removal from office. Will the leaders of your law firm join the call to remove a president whose actions have put our nation in danger?
Staci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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