From telemedicine to virtual courtrooms, lawyers are quickly adapting to a brave, new post COVID-19 world. We explore the new normal the legal industry is facing in this second installment of Evolve the Law’s Navigating COVID-19 Special Report podcast series, featuring Monica Zent, Founder & CEO of ZentLaw, LawDesk360, and a preeminent thinker, writer and speaker on future of law & technology topics.

Monica Zent, Founder & CEO of ZentLaw and LawDesk360
Tune in to hear Monica Zent and host Ian Connett (@QuantumJurist) discuss how the global pandemic is fundamentally changing the infrastructure of the legal industry at scale, rapidly accelerating the need for legal technology adoption while presenting novel challenges in the growing telemedicine and information security fields. Monica also shares what ZentLaw is doing to help alleviate small businesses impacted by stay-at-home orders in Northern California, and what other firms can do to support our critical small business community at this important time.
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