Tag: Antitrust
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.27.23
* Should one admission be enough to practice in all federal courts? If we let a single judge in the middle of nowhere issue injunctions binding the whole country, we may as well let the lawyers practice across the country. [National Law Journal]
* Reddit stories are always a little suspect, but could this law student have lost a job over “bofadeez nutz” greeting? [LegalCheek]
* A pair of siblings have barricaded themselves in a room at their mom’s house and taken to TikTok after a Utah judge ordered them returned to their father AFTER the state child welfare agency concluded that the father sexually abused the kids. A lot of people just shouldn’t be allowed to be judges, y’all. [ProPublica]
* FTC ends its challenge to the Meta-Within deal. Remember this when we’re all stuck in Zuckerberg’s Metaverse hellscape in a few years. [Law360]
* Texas prosecutors can’t go after people for offering financial aid to women seeking abortion care in other states, which for some reason required a court ruling to clarify. [Reuters]
* States sue FDA over moves to limit abortion pill access, which the administration is limiting right as states crack down on reproductive health care. [Courthouse News Service]
Justice Department Sues Huge Search Engine For Destroying Evidence During Antitrust Suit
This is not what GDPR meant by the right to be forgotten. -
The Missed Opportunities Of The Khan FTC Are Glaring
From the missed opportunities department.
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 02.15.23
* If you want vigorous antitrust enforcement, you’ve got to break a few eggs… or at least shed some Republican members of the FTC. The Federal Trade Commission’s Christine S. Wilson is leaving the agency over Chair Lina Khan’s leadership priorities. [Law360]
* The National Labor Relations Board may be changing course on a widespread anti-unionization tactic. The NLRB’s general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo’s latest advice memo takes aim at misleading statements by employers during unionization drives, looking to overturn precedent from 1985. [Corporate Counsel]
* Family of Emmett Till would really like the arrest warrant in his 1955 lynching served. And they’re filing a federal lawsuit to make it happen. [Law & Crime]
* After spending 28 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, Lamar Johnson is a free man. [Huffington Post]
* The Department of Justice would really like it if you couldn’t select exactly which far-right federal judge heard your case. Of course, the “worst judge in the United States” probably won’t end the practice that’s garnered him so much notoriety. [Vox]
Antitrust Suit Sets Stage To See If Yale, Columbia, And Others Are Institutes Of Higher Learning Or Higher Income
The first red flag was the frequent mentioning of their parent's deep pockets in their diversity statement. -
Which Biglaw Firm Will Be Defending Google Against The Meanies At The DOJ?
Of course a Biglaw firm will be defending Google against antitrust allegations. -
The Justice Department Wants To Chop Google Down To Size
I can't prove that the DOJ recruited from former Ask Jeeves employees, but it would explain the passion. I miss that site. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 01.25.23
* Google doesn’t think much of the government’s antitrust action. It might want to try a quick Bing search on antitrust law. [Reuters]
* Asking ChatGPT to write a poem about being a law student. [LegalCheek]
* Insiders may find it a little sketchy, but Goodwin coupling layoffs with a big lateral hire may be the norm in a market where the “recession” is only hitting specific groups. [Law.com]
* A deep dive into Sullivan & Cromwell’s cryptoexchange adventure. [Financial Times]
* Elon Musk testifies that publicly stating that he had “funding secured” when he had not, so much, “secured” any “funding” was “the right thing to do.” Juries appreciate a complete lack of remorse! [Law360]
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What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Flexible Staffing For Antitrust Boom
As law firms confront an influx of major antitrust matters, some of which will arise on short notice, flexible staffing is playing an important role in serving clients efficiently and effectively. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 01.17.23
* Twitter who signed agreements committing them to private arbitration cannot pursue a class action against the company. Though the judge noted a few members of the proposed class had opted out of that agreement so the case lives on for the moment. Musk still unaware of the ruling because it’s buried under all the crap in the “For You” feed. [Reuters]
* The UK has blocked Scotland’s gender recognition law. Because post-Brexit the smartest thing England can do is further alienate Scotland and Northern Ireland. [CNN]
* FTC blows dusts off antitrust rule book like discovering ancient lore in an enchanted dungeon. Will address big box retailers getting massive discounts from manufacturers to maximize profit over smaller competitors. [Bloomberg]
* Tensions may be developing between Supreme Court justices. Amazing what happens when one wing of the Court fully abandons the law to be politicians. [The Atlantic]
* Over a third of legal workers hate their boss. Congratulations lawyers! I’d have expected a much higher number. [LegalCheek]
Now, That Is An Expensive Dollar! No, This Isn't About Associate Bonuses. You Should Read It.
Each day mediation makes more and more sense. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 12.08.22
* Enrollment in Amy Wax’s classes is dropping. Haha Bozo. [The DP] * What? Companies may have to actually moderate the content they host? [Yahoo!] * Considering a state job? You might not be as able to keep up on those new dancing trends… [CBS News] * The Swiftie to Sherman Act enforcer pipeline is […]

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track


What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 12.02.22
* The Cryptocurrency fall is making bankruptcy lawyers some cash, because of course it is. [Reuters]
* Not sure of the difference between a Juris Doctor and a Doctor of Laws? We’ve got you covered. [Up Jobs News]
* Despite the difficulty of passing up a nice food bundle, this one has sparked some controversy. [Bloomberg Law]
* Thankfully, the injunction for Californian officers to not kill people just got a little clearer. [LA Times]
Law Schools
Are Top Tier Law Schools Pulling Away From US News Because Of Concerned Action Or Concerted Action?
Sure would be cool if we all just independently did the same thing as each other within a very short period of time such that it would be as if we all decided to do the same thing together... -
What To Do When Free Speech No Longer Pays The Bills?
Antitrust and Constitutional law scholars, you're up! -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 09.21.22
* Trump may soon be in court for rape charges. Unrelated, I doubt this will damage his reputation among his cult following. [NYT]
* Aspiring JD concerned about the environment? Check out Vermont Law! [VT Digger]
* Chipotle to shell out $8 million tied to child labor law violations. Whoever tipped them off probably didn’t get a good serving size. [NJ Monitor]
* Adobe and Antitrust go together in more ways than just alliteration. [Axios]
* Bit of legal humor to start the day off? Here’s a thread of some “allegedly” good legal jokes. [Reddit]
Objectors Threatening To Derail Massive Antitrust Award Because Some People Want To Watch The World Burn
Companies considering holding settlement hostage to squeeze a little bit more. -
Before You Read This Antitrust Article, Check And See Which Browser You're Using
If you are reading this in Opera, this is me calling you a nerd.