Tag: Christopher Wray
That One Time Bill Barr Did The Right Thing
Even a broken clock gets a nut once in a while. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 06.13.19
* Legal experts seem somewhat concerned about Trump going on TV and inviting foreign intelligence agencies to intervene in the election. On behalf of the great George Bluth, I ask, “what’s wrong with a little light treason?” [Huffington Post]
* Michael Flynn has hired Sidney Powell, probably because she goes on Fox News to bash Mueller. Sounds like a perfect reason to fire Covington & Burling. Oh, and now Trump is hailing the move because his only grasp of legal talent is “appearing on TV.” [National Law Journal]
* Meanwhile, in the UK, a lawyer argues that vegans should be legally exempt from tea time. [Legal Cheek]
* “LawDude” lawyer buys Confederate statue for $1.4 million. It’s unknown if this purchase was for himself or as an agent for some unknown racist. [Dallas Morning News]
* Nevada brings marijuana laws to logical conclusion by preventing most employers from dinging people who test positive for it. [WIVB]
* Bryan Singer settles rape claim for $150K which sounds very much like a nuisance settlement. [The Wrap]
* Payday lender Scott Tucker is trying his “tribal sovereignty” defense again desperately hoping someone will join him in thinking “Kansas City” is on a reservation. [Law360]
FBI Director Chris Wray Is BURNING John Kelly And The White House Right Now
Wray has absolutely destroyed the White House timeline on the Rob Porter allegations. -
Biglaw, Department of Justice, Federal Government
Departure Memo Of The Day: Chris Wray Bids Farewell To King & Spalding
Christopher Wray will deeply miss his superb colleagues (and that seven-figure paycheck). -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 08.02.17
* “We have a very crappy judicial system.” Judge Richard Posner of the Seventh Circuit says the Supreme Court has far too few justices, and is calling for 10 more to be added to the high court’s ranks, as he thinks the current arrangement on the bench is “[m]ediocre and highly politicized.” Tell ’em how you really feel, Your Honor. [Chicago Tribune]
* “This is deeply disturbing.” The Justice Department’s civil rights division is planning to sue colleges and universities that engage in “intentional race-based discrimination” in their affirmative action policies — that is, discrimination against white applicants. Hmm, wasn’t this recently before SCOTUS… twice? [New York Times]
* RIP, billables: Microsoft wants to completely eliminate the billable hour by entering into alternative fee arrangements with all of the firms it works with in the future. Twelve Biglaw firms and one intellectual property firm will spearhead this movement as the company’s strategic partners. [Big Law Business]
* The Department of Education has filed a motion for summary judgment in a suit brought by the ABA over public service loan forgiveness, claiming that its forgiveness eligibility determinations won’t be final until 10 years have passed and that any eligibility letters sent thus far are nonbinding and merely advisory. How comforting for law grads drowning in debt? [Law.com; ABA Journal]
* The Senate has confirmed King & Spalding partner Christopher Wray as the new director of the FBI. During his hearings, Wray said he’d resign if he were ever asked to do something immoral or illegal, as his “commitment is to the rule of law, to the Constitution, to follow the facts wherever they may lead.” [CNN]
Biglaw, Money, Partner Issues, Partner Profits, Politics
King & Spalding Pays Christopher Wray $9.2 Million A Year
The FBI director nominee makes a lot more money than his partners. -
Department of Justice, Federal Government, Politics
President Trump Selects DOJ Veteran Christopher Wray As F.B.I. Director
President Trump's pick for FBI director is "amazing" -- and no, that's not DJT exaggeration.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track