Tag: Success
In-House Counsel
A 'Secret' To Success
To be successful, you need to consider what success looks like. -
Small Law Firms
Do New Lawyers Need To Be Scared Into Being Perfect And Devoted To Their Job?
Every law firm should demand perfection and loyalty from its attorneys -- but not in a way that will scare and demoralize them. - Sponsored
The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
Making 2019 Your Best Year Ever
Understand your priorities and use your time wisely and you'll be able to achieve success.
In-House Counsel
5 Steps To Success: Habits Of Successful Professionals
Although success can mean different things to different people, these intrinsic habits for achieving success are similar for all professionals. -
Biglaw, Sponsored Content
You Gotta Believe: 13 Practical Ideas For Career Success
What can you do to become more self-confident? You will only be as successful as you believe you can be. -
Labor / Employment, On The Job
8 Signs That You Are Not On Your Way To Success
Sorry, but it may be time to reconsider what success means to you. -
Labor / Employment, On The Job
5 Paths To The Golden Road Of Success
Being successful is really easy if you're rich, white, and male. -
Bar Exams
Top 3 Common Bar Exam Preparation Pitfalls
Hint: they have nothing to do with memorizing the law. -
Defining Success -- Notes To My (Legal) Self
A new column that looks at the legal world through pictures. -
Biglaw, Boutique Law Firms, Small Law Firms
Reinventing The Law Business: Trying And Failing And Succeeding – Lessons Learned
Managing partner Bruce Stachenfeld shares wisdom learned over the course of his long and successful career.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful


What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
Non-Sequiturs: 02.16.16
* More people lining up on the “of course we need to replace Scalia soon” bandwagon, and this time it’s folks who really care about the ethical running of the Court. [Fix the Court]
* Studying for the February bar exam? Here are some tips to make it through. [Associate’s Mind]
* Stories of Justice Scalia bullying the “little people” may tarnish his legacy. [Washington Monthly]
* A purported class action has been filed against Facebook for those texts notifying you of friends’ birthdays. [Forbes]
* So what does Obama think about “originalists” who vow to prevent him from making any nominee to the Court? Bonus point if you said he’d drop the f-bomb. [C-SPAN]
* A frank look at Justice Scalia’s real legacy by Columbia Law Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw. [Democracy Now]
* Did the Supreme Court just become the defining issue of the 2016 election? [The Nation]
* Tips for making success a habit. [Reboot Your Law Practice]
* Almost everyone has a story (or has a friend who has one) about an AirBnB gone awry — it’s the price of our new shared economy — but is this the weirdest story of all? [San Francisco Chronicle]
* The only graphic you’ll ever need to keep track of your state-by-state obligations for expert witnesses under Daubert and Frye. [The Expert Institute]
* What would Humphrey Bogart be like as an attorney? [Guile is Good]
Money, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Are You A Suckcessful Lawyer?
How do you project wealth when you don't have it? By becoming a "suckcessful" lawyer, explains columnist Shannon Achimalbe. -
Kids, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Grit And A Growth Mindset
Hey Gen Y law grads: Either embrace change or get out of the race. -
In-House Counsel
House Rules: Fear Factor
How can you keep fear in its place as a lawyer? David Mowry has some thoughts. -
BU Law, Fashion
What's Your Brand?
Karen Shapiro is a lawyer turned “life coach.” From what I understand, a “life coach” is essentially a therapist who helps you see happiness attainment like a basket that needs to be dunked on. Being called coach may or may not allow them to slap you on the ass when you get a promotion or […]