Tag: Job Interviews
In-House Counsel
Do This If You Love (Or Don't Love) Your Job
Keeping your interviewing skills fresh is important, even if you are happy at your present job. -
Pregnancy / Paternity
Getting Hired While Pregnant
The situation where you’re a pregnant lawyer and you want to switch jobs. -
Sexism, Women's Issues
The Pink Ghetto: When A Biglaw Partner Asks You About Prostitution During An Interview
What was this partner thinking?
Biglaw, Boutique Law Firms, Job Searches, Layoffs, Small Law Firms
Reinventing The Law Business: You Lost Your Job In A Law Firm – What Do You Do Now? (Part 3)
Managing partner Bruce Stachenfeld concludes his series of columns about how to bounce back from being laid off. -
Non-Sequiturs: 07.21.15
* There’s a “small but organized minority of law professors” trying to keep students from getting paid. Go tell the ABA not to listen to them. [Professor Bainbridge]
* Taking the bar exam in New York? Want a pre-ordered lunch? These folks have your back. They’re extending their deadline for ordering. [Custom Gourmet NY]
* Line up to buy your “.law” address! [Adjunct Law Prof Blog]
* Estimating the cost of eDiscovery. In monetary terms, not in the souls of contract attorneys. [Logikcull]
* Kansas Governor Sam Brownback needs money, and he’s apparently not above asking officials with business before his office for cash. [Topeka Capital-Journal]
* Questions not to ask in an interview. Forgot to include, “Does this look infected?” [JD Supra]
* When you want to close a sale, be present in the moment. [Law and More]
* Want to join a college faculty? Here’s where to work. Spread that anti-law-school hate to the next generation. [TaxProf Blog]
* David Lat joins Sam Glover to discuss the future of Biglaw and SmallLaw. [Lawyerist]
Ask the Experts, Career Alternatives, Career Center, Career Files, Law Schools, Law Students, Lawyers, Layoffs
From the Career Files: How To Use The JD/MBA Degree In Business And Entrepreneurship
Kristina Tsamis, ATL's Research Manager, shares some career advice for JD/MBAs that was presented at a panel discussion hosted by the Cornell Law School Alumni Association and Duke Law School. -
In-House Counsel, Interview Stories, Practice Pointers
Moonlighting: How to Give Great Mock Interviews? Be a Jerk!
Wherein in-house columnist Susan Moon explains that the best way to give a mock interview is to let your inner jerk shine. -
Department of Justice, Federal Government, Job Searches
An Update on the DOJ Honors Program
What is the latest news about this year's application process for the Justice Department's Honors Program? - Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
In-House Counsel, Interview Stories, Job Searches
House Rules: Interviewing Challenges
When interviewing for a job, David Mowry says you have to lay it on the line. You want the job, and you likely need the job, so bust your hump to get the job. -
Job Searches, Small Law Firms, Television
Size Matters: Bachelor Ben Teaches Small Firms How to Pick a New Hire
Like many other Bachelor fans, Valerie Katz devoted approximately 14 hours last night to finding out who Bachelor Ben chose as his future wife. After much soul-searching and a pensive walk through Switzerland, Ben picked Courtney, the model who everyone hated. Ben’s path to “true love” is a lesson not just for pathetic women but also for small-firm hiring partners. Here are the top five takeaways….

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful