Tag: Sexism
Law Schools
Elite Law School Shows Legal Academia How *Not* To React To A Sexist Controversy On Campus
Law schools can do better than this. -
Law Schools
Students At Top Law School Decide Ranking Their Female Classmates By Their Attractiveness Is Acceptable
This is wildly inappropriate behavior from law school students. - Sponsored
The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally. -
Small Law Firms
Firm Parts Ways With Lawyer Who Called Maternity Leave 'Sitting On Your Ass'
There's still a lot of work to be done.
Small Law Firms
After Text Calling Maternity Leave 'Sitting On Your Ass,' Law Firm Looks To Sit On Its Ass In Response
Firm statement offers vague, confusing take on the allegations. -
Small Law Firms
'Collecting Salary From The Firm While Sitting On Your Ass' Is Certainly ONE Way For A Senior Lawyer To Describe Maternity Leave
But not so much a good or professional way to describe it. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 12.22.21
* Law prof who oopsied a sexism and a racism on his final exam has to get schooled before he can return to his post. Looks like the law is a profession of continuous learning after all. [ABA Journal]
* The Kellogg’s strike is over and a contract has been agreed to. That’s Grrrreat! [Kiro7]
* Go Army, Beat COVID! The Army is finishing up on a vaccine that should cover current and future variants of the Rona and its SARS cousins. [Defenceone]
* Lincoln County in Georgia is down to just one polling station. If only there were some sort of federal law that existed that would have prevented something like this from happening. Maybe like a voting rights… action? [Truthout]
* Folks sentenced to house arrest due to COVID may be moving around their homes freely quicker than was expected. [NPR]
Law Schools
Law School Prof Rants About Women And Minorities And Their Pesky Insistence On 'Rights' And 'Equality'
It's a logical fallacy issue-spotter! -
Law Schools
Sexism Drove Ruth Bader Ginsburg To Always Be Prepared In Law School
In a class of 500 men, RBG was always ready to be cold-called. - Sponsored
Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With… -
U.S. Soccer HAS To Pay Men More, Because Playing For A Crowd Of Hooligans Is A Big 'Responsibility'
And they said it with a straight face! -
An Awesome Appellate Benchslap Calling Out Sexism In The Legal Profession
Sexist comments have no place in legal briefs, and these judges are doing something about it. -
Lawyers Called Out For Casual Sexism That You Mistakenly Thought We'd Handled By 2019
This shouldn't be so difficult. -
If You're An Attorney That Wants To See Your Client, Please Take Off Your Bra
Pardon me while I scream in frustration. -
Prove You’re A (Good) Lawyer! The Double Whammy of Being A Minority Lady Lawyer
The game is rigged, and it’s pretty clear against whom it is rigged. And minority women know the score.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
Small Law Firms
Sexism Rears Its Ugly Head At This Small Law Firm In The South
When you see things like this happening, say something. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 03.05.19
* Another woman alleges Morrison & Foerster held back her career by placing her on a “mommy track.” These Mofos. [American Lawyer]
* Ty Cobb thinks Robert Mueller is “an American hero” underscoring why Cobb’s no longer running the president’s defense. [ABC News]
* Being no fools, Team Cohen tried to secure a pardon before finally deciding to cooperate with the government. [WSJ]
* Jane Mayer reports that Trump ordered his underlings to block the Time Warner deal in an effort to punish CNN for reporting on him. George Conway is not pleased. [New Yorker]
* Money bail schedules ruled unconstitutional as applied to the poor. [Courthouse News Service]
* Trump buddy sued over hacking Mariah Carey’s manager’s electronics because things can always get weirder. [Law360]
* Jones Day continues to profiteer off the decline and fall of the American experiment. [American Lawyer]
Small Law Firms
Attorney In Hot Water After Referring To A Judge As A Succubus
The appeals court is having none of this BS. -
Small Law Firms
Pro Tip: Don't Call The Prosecutor You're Facing A 'Little Girl'
Unless you're facing Dougie Anne Howser, Esq., stop calling professional women girls. -
Without Her Robe, Female Judge Was Often Mistaken For Assistant
Assumptions like this only contribute to sexism in the legal profession. -
Small Law Firms
Florida Attorney Claims Offensive Ad Is The Result Of Hackers
Sexism masquerading as an attorney advertisement. -