Small Law Firms
Associate Salaries, Bonuses, Boutique Law Firms, Job Survey, Money, Small Law Firms
A Small Firm Salary Survey: The Results (Part 2)
A recent study by economists at UC Berkeley gives employers a nice argument for keeping salaries a secret. Well, luckily for you, I’m not your employer. Therefore I have no qualms about sharing with you Part 2 of the results from our small-firm salary survey. In your emails following Part 1, many of you asked […] -
Small Law Firms
The Inevitable Future of the Legal Profession: Connecticut Firms Open Drive-Thru Law Firm
We all knew it would come to this eventually. The legal profession — once reserved for studious minds who diligently ponder the most complex moral, ethical, and legal issues of the day — has been reduced to a collection of short-order cooks, who whip up documents instead of eggs and toast. Actually, that change probably […] -
Associate Salaries, Bonuses, Boutique Law Firms, Job Survey, Money, Small Law Firms
A Small Firm Salary Survey: The Results (Part 1)
Over 650 of you responded to last week’s salary survey. In poring over the results, I learned several lessons: (1) Don’t make salary questions fill-in-the-blank. It creates a host of problems, including the inadvertent omitting/adding of zeroes, and makes data compilation and analysis unnecessarily difficult. (2) Do include open-ended “anything else” questions; people write all […]
Small Law Firms
Caveat Small Firm Hopeful: Socially Inept Need Not Apply
My former practice at a small law firm was primarily commercial and residential real estate development. The week after my bar results came in, my boss gave me a stack of documents to read through and let me sit in on a couple of closings. I watched, listened and pretended to take notes. Then one […] -
Associate Salaries, Bonuses, Boutique Law Firms, Job Survey, Money, Small Law Firms
Show Me the Money: A Small Firm Salary Survey
Biglaw salaries are no secret. You can find numbers all over the internet, including places like oh, I don’t know, Above the Law (not just the home page, but also the Career Center). But what about information for everyone else? You already know what I made during my time at a small firm, but that […] -
Boutique Law Firms, Gay, Labor / Employment, Lawsuit of the Day, Plaintiffs Firms, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Small Law Firms, Weirdness
Lawsuit of the Day: Pass the Wooden Dildo, Please
We first mentioned this lawsuit, which was filed back in August, last month (second item). But so many of you have emailed us this AOL news story that we’ve decided to provide more detailed coverage. It’s a lawyer versus lawyer lawsuit, usually the ugliest kind of litigation. But the allegations made here are perhaps more […] -
Job Searches, Secretaries / Administrative Assistants, Small Law Firms
In This Market You Don't Have to Try That Hard to Get People to Work For You
It shouldn’t be that hard to find a qualified legal secretary. Actually, in this market, you can probably find a J.D. who will gladly answer phones and make copies for the chance to do anything with “legal'” in the title. But the firm of Minor & Brown, a small law firm based in Denver, still […] -
Blogging, Small Law Firms
Under the Shingle: 10.11.2010
I like to think of this column as a conduit for information relevant to small firm practices. Given the variety of practice settings we’re lumping into the phrase “small law,” it’s important that you hear from people other than myself. I know, you’re crushed — me too. Toward that end, I’ll be interviewing small firm […] -
Reality TV, Small Law Firms
Another Real 'House'wife - Welcome Phaedra Parks to the Neighborhood
Season 3 of The Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) premiered this week on Bravo. Why, you might ask, are we covering a reality show that features more catfighting and hair pulling than a prize-off between Kenneth Kratz and Jack Camp? Because the new season brought with it a new cast member who is not only […] -
Boutique Law Firms, Divorce Train Wrecks, Family Law, Lawyer Advertising, Small Law Firms
Law Firm to Clients: We Don't Work Weekends
Managing expectations is a very important skill — when it comes to personal relationships, movie enjoyment, and, of course, dealing with your co-workers and clients. You need to know how to set boundaries. After you’ve pulled two all-nighters in a row, for example, it’s okay to tell the partner you work for that you just […] -
Legal Research, LexisNexis / Lexis-Nexis, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners, Technology
LexisNexis Launches New Platform for Solos
Over the next year, LexisNexis is rolling out a completely redesigned research platform, and guess who they’re starting with? From the press release that came out Tuesday: LexisNexis… today announced the launch of Lexis® Advance for Solos – the first in a series of releases of new Lexis® Advance online legal research tools. Created through […] -
Associate Salaries, Biglaw, Bonuses, Money, Small Law Firms
Great Expectations (Part 3): Is It All About the Benjamins?A Comparison of Biglaw v. Small Firm Compensation
Yes, yes it is. At least that’s what I gather based on the relative volume of commentary I received on the subject since the inception of this column about small law firms. I’ve been avoiding the topic, mostly because salary discussions usually degenerate into little richard-measuring contests but, in addition to the comment wars that […] -
Bar Exams
Recent Bar Exam Results: Open ThreadIllinois, Indiana, Florida -- any others?
As we recently discussed, we’re starting to enter the heart of darkness bar exam results season. Passing or failing the bar can mean the difference between having or not having a job — especially if you’re working for a small firm, which might be less forgiving of failure than a Biglaw behemoth (at least according […]

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Biglaw, Blogging, Facebook, Small Law Firms, Social Networking Websites, Technology, Twittering
ABA Survey: Lawyers Profiting From Web 2.0
Almost two years ago, I joined Twitter to help find a publisher for a book I was writing. A couple weeks later, a friend I followed on Twitter asked, “Does anybody know a contracts lawyer?” I responded and won a new client. A lawyer winning business on Twitter was somewhat unusual at that time, but […] -
Bar Exams, Biglaw, Small Law Firms
Small Law Firm Bar Exam Thread: Is Your Job at Stake?
‘Tis the season to be frantic, especially if you’re an incoming associate at a small law firm. Last November, Elie posed this question to the Biglaw readership: “Bar results are out. Does everyone still have a job?” I’m really curious to hear how smaller firms are handling this. Generally speaking, you’re closer to the action […] -
Canada, Crime, Prostitution, Quote of the Day, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Quote of the Day: Sounds Just Like Being a Small Firm / Solo Practitioner, Eh?
I like the work, I like the people, I like the clients, I set my own hours, I set my own price structure, I call the shots with what I will and will not do. — Valerie Scott, one of the three sex workers who successfully challenged restrictions on prostitution in Canada’s Criminal Code (via […] -
Biglaw, Blogging, Job Searches, Media and Journalism, Midsize Firms / Regional Firms, Small Law Firms
Seven Types of People Who Are Interested in Small Law Firms
I wrote last week about the perceived level of interest from attorneys at small law firms in finding a collective voice. As I’m currently camping somewhere in the remote, internet-less regions of our northern neighbor, I haven’t the chance to check in with your comments and emails, but promise to do so upon my return […] -
Blogging, Politics, Small Law Firms
Do Small-Firm Attorneys Care Enough About Their Own Agenda?
Some of you will recall that in my manifesto, I expressed the view that we need more clearinghouses for information on small law firms. Well, it turns out I’m not the only one hoping for a gathering of small law practitioners. Over at MyShingle, Carolyn Elefant posted a great piece about the need for a […] -
Lawyer of the Day, Real Estate, Small Law Firms, Solo Practitioners
Lawyer of the Day: Squattenfreude
Back in 1961, a photographer snapped a picture of President Kennedy that would later be titled “the loneliest job in the world.” It was full of symbolism and it was black-and-white and Kennedy would be assassinated two short years later and Jesus, does anyone really care about all of this? Probably not. Sorry. Anyway, earlier […] -
Boutique Law Firms, Craigslist, Drinking, Job Searches, Small Law Firms
Firm Seeks Experts in Alcoholic Beverages
Usually when we report on jobs that have been posted on Craigslist, we’re talking about some kind of horrifying example of how the open market values attorneys at about the same level it values responsible high school girls. But today we have a legal job that most lawyers couldn’t have performed in high school. At […]