Is It Time To Return To In-Person Events?
We want to know if you're feeling the lure of the open convention center this year. -
Events, Sponsored Content
The Changing Lawyer LIVE!, A Virtual Summit Bringing Together The Legal Community To Discuss Adapting To Change
The April 23 conference features keynote speakers including Molly Bloom, Scott Dorsey, and Gretchen Rubin, with all conference proceeds going to support The CDC Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund. - Sponsored
The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally. -
- Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
Gonna Be In D.C. Next Month? Let's Get Drinks!
If you're in the D.C. area, come by and hang out! It's for a good cause, too. -
Join Us In D.C. For A Night Of Hanging Out And Some Lighthearted Trivia Competition
We're going to have a party in D.C. and you should really drop by and say hello. -
Events, Sponsored Content, Technology
The Tech-Savvy Law Librarian
The law library is often the gateway to introducing the latest in legal tech to lawyers. -
A Fundraiser So That Our Righteous Outrage May Be Directed Usefully
Tuesday, June 26th. Join us at Caveat at 6:30 for activism networking, fundraising, and a little law-splaining.

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally.

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture.

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful
In-house legal roles have traditionally offered more accommodating schedules and greater opportunities to gain valuable business experience. Now though, the calculus may be changing. With…

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals.

10 Lessons From The Evolve Law Summit
There is no question that activity in the legal technology and innovation space is accelerating. -
The Next Big Thing In Legal Innovation -- New Orleans Edition
Above the Law & Evolve the Law are hosting a unique event putting legal futurists through their paces. -
Watch Legal Innovators Sweat!
Above the Law & Evolve the law are hosting a unique event putting legal futurists through their paces. -
Events, Technology
The ‘Darwin Challenge’ Is Coming To New Orleans
Evolve Law and Cicayda are hosting a unique event putting legal futurists through their paces. -
D.C. Trivia Night Could Really Just Be A 'Who Still Works For The White House' Lightning Round
Though, in fact, it's going to be a lot easier than all that. -
D.C. Trivia Night With ATL, Axiom, And Your Privacy Concerns
It's been a while since we've seen you in D.C. -
Join Us For A 'Darwin Challenge' On Tuesday, January 30th
We're going to grill people and that will be fun for us.