Tag: Retaliation
Attorney Accused Of 'Quiet Quitting' In Lawsuit Files Countersuit Alleging Discrimination
The gloves come off in this complaint. -
Labor / Employment, On The Job
When It Comes To Workplace Retaliation, If You're The Boss, You Better Not Change Your Behavior At All
Retaliation is more deadly to employers because it is much easier to prove, and so easy (even inadvertently) to do. - Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
Labor / Employment, On The Job, Sexual Harassment
Phoebe Buffay And The ‘Friends’ Guide To Sexual Harassment
If you were around in the 1990s and early 2000s, you probably watched Friends on NBC. You might even own the entire series on DVD. Maybe you’ve watched it so many times through that you can quote almost every episode verbatim. Maybe you know it so well that when you play the Friends Scene It […]
Labor / Employment, On The Job
Smelly Workplace? A Case Of 'Extreme Gas' In The Ol’ Factory
Can you be fired for farting up a storm (or for associating with someone who does)? -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 09.28.16
* “It would have been disastrous for the whole country.” Following Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski’s screening of “The People vs. Larry Flynt,” the infamous smut peddler at the center of the film received a standing ovation after speaking to an audience about what would have happened if the Supreme Court hadn’t ruled in Hustler’s favor in the landmark First Amendment case. [WSJ Law Blog]
* Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf will forfeit $41 million in bonus and stock awards in the wake of the lender’s sham accounts scandal. As we mentioned previously, the bank’s board was looking to Shearman & Sterling for guidance on whether it would move forward with clawback actions against executives considering the severity of the misconduct and fraud that occurred. [CNN]
* Sorry, Lynn Tilton, but the Supreme Court isn’t going to rescue you: the “Diva of Distressed” applied to the high court for a stay of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s action against her, arguing that the agency’s use of in-house judges was unconstitutional, but the Court flat-out rejected her request, without even so much as a dissent. Tilton could be barred from further work in the securities industry. [Bloomberg]
* Chelsea Grayson, who currently serves as general counsel of American Apparel, is moving up in the company to take on an even bigger and better role. She will assume the position of chief executive officer next month as the company considers a sale. She’s guided the company through controversies in the past, so a potential sale should be no problem for this former Loeb & Loeb partner. Congratulations! [Big Law Business]
* A former investigator for the Illinois Appellate Defender’s Office is receiving a major windfall after alleging that she was forced to resign for complaining about a salary cut. Alice Washington is set to receive more than $1 million dollars for her retaliation claim, but State Appellate Defender Michael Pelletier says he plans to appeal the judgment due to the fact that he “cannot in good conscience settle with this woman.” [ABA Journal]
* Michael Fahy, lawyer turned firefighter, RIP. [New York Daily News]
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 05.26.16
* David Mourey, the former assistant dean for bar preparation and academic success at Barry Law, was fired after students continued to fail the bar exam, but in a recently filed gender discrimination and retaliation lawsuit, he claims he was discriminated against because he was “singled out for discipline by an all-female management team.” We may have more on this later. [Orlando Sentinel]
* Despite the wishes of the public and rumors of his firing in the face of the Baylor University coverup of reports of rape and sexual assault by football players, “Ken Starr is [still] president and chancellor of Baylor University.” According to a university spokeswoman, the school has not yet finished reviewing Pepper Hamilton’s report on the matter, but Baylor will likely make an announcement by June 3. [Associated Press]
* “We are willing to fight this all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to.” Eleven states have filed suit against the Obama Administration in an effort to get around its guidance on transgender rights for children in schools, calling the policy a “massive social experiment.” The states suing are Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. [Reuters]
* Sumner Redstone turns 93 years old tomorrow, and he’s been in and out of court for the past few months in a battle to prove he’s mentally competent. The salacious case filed by his former female companion may have been dismissed, but now he’s attempting to fend off claims from Viacom directors who were ousted from a trust that will control his media holdings if he dies or is found incompetent. [DealBook / New York Times]
* Now that the world knows that PayPal’s co-founder provided funding for Hulk Hogan’s invasion of privacy suit against Gawker, it’s time to take a look at the lawyer who’s been representing the wrestler. Charles Harder is no stranger to Hollywood cases, and may be a longtime fan of litigation finance since he “[tries] to win and do so in a way that’s cost effective for a client, so they don’t lose when they’re winning.” [WSJ Law Blog]
* Since revenge litigation finance’s recent invention, what’s there to keep billionaires from destroying you with lawsuits? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not much, especially when “there is no obligation to disclose the litigation financing arrangements” that have been made. Ethical issues aside, we really hope the super-rich wield their new power to ruin lives through rented lawsuits carefully. [Fortune]
Crime, State Judges
Judge Shot In Her Driveway, Retaliation Suspected
Was this judge shot in retaliation for a case before her? -
Law School Deans, Law Schools
Why Did A Top Law School Chancellor Abruptly Resign?
More details in the departure of a prominent dean paint the picture of an overwhelmingly toxic relationship with faculty. - Sponsored
What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
We want to know your views on law firm policies and culture. -
Law School Deans, Law Schools
Law School Dean Blindsided, Steps Down
There's been a shake-up at LSU Law, but can anyone get to the bottom of why? -
In-House Counsel
Implementing An Employee Wellness Program? Be Careful - The EEOC Is Interested
According to recent studies, over 90% of employers offer some type of wellness incentives to their employees. This is a significant jump from 2009 when only a little over half of employers had employee wellness programs, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) is taking note. In the last two months, the EEOC has filed two lawsuits against employers related to their company wellness programs. -
Labor / Employment, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Sex, Sex Scandals, Sexual Harassment
A Super-Salacious Lawsuit, Settled
What do the parties have to say about the settlement in Professor Raymond Ku's lawsuit against Larry Mitchell, former dean of Case Western Law? -
Labor / Employment, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Sex, Sex Scandals, Sexual Harassment
In Defense Of Dean Lawrence Mitchell
Is Dean Mitchell of Case Western Law the victim of a "smear campaign" by a disgruntled law professor? -
Attorney Misconduct, Breasts, Facebook, Guns / Firearms, Job Searches, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Old People
Morning Docket: 11.08.13
* A proposal to raise the retirement age for judges in New York was crushed by voters, but Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman has vowed to continue fighting the requirement — just like a stubborn old man. [New York Law Journal] * Which law schools have the highest percentage of graduates working as corporate directors or executive officers of companies? You might be surprised by some of the results. Or you might not. [National Law Journal] * Dean Lawrence Mitchell of Case Western Reserve Law wants parts of the retaliation suit that’s been filed against him tossed for being “scandalous” and “salacious.” But those are the best parts. :( [Cleveland Plain Dealer] * Thanks to a $25 million donation from an alumnus and his wife, Yale Law School is going to be getting dormitories for law students in the very near future. The thought of all of those coed nerdgasms between future SCOTUS clerks is a thing of beauty. [Fox News] * Clark Calvin Griffith, the former adjunct professor at William Mitchell Law, has been suspended from practicing law for 90 days after exposing his penis to a law student. Stiff punishment. [Pioneer Press] * If you were thinking of giving away guns on Facebook, then you should think again. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun on the internet is with slideshows of the 572 best kitty cat gifs. [Corporate Counsel] * A police officer in Arkansas ordered a woman to flash him her boobs while she was at work, and when she refused, he allegedly Tasered her repeatedly. She’s obviously suing now. [New York Daily News]

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?
Labor / Employment, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Sex, Sex Scandals, Sexual Harassment
Law School Dean Accused Of Sexual Harassment Takes Temporary Leave Of Absence
What is the latest news in the Dean Larry Mitchell drama over at Case Western Law? -
Divorce Train Wrecks, Labor / Employment, Law Professors, Law School Deans, Law Schools, Sex, Sex Scandals, Sexual Harassment
Lawsuit Accuses Prominent Law School Dean Of Sexual Harassment (And More)
A new lawsuit levels serious (and salacious) allegations against a leading defender of legal education. -
Antonin Scalia, Biglaw, Celebrities, Constitutional Law, Eugene Scalia, Federal Judges, Gay Marriage, Law Schools, LSAT, Military / Military Law, Morning Docket, Phil Alito, Police, Samuel Alito, SCOTUS, Sentencing Law, Shira Scheindlin, Supreme Court
Morning Docket: 08.22.13
* The NSA has violated the Constitution for years, you say? And it’s been misleading the FISA court about all of its domestic spying activities? As of this moment, the NSA is on double secret probation! [New York Times]
* Imagine how the New York stop-and-frisk case would have turned out if it had been before SCOTUS. The “human toll of unconstitutional stops” may not have been weighed so heavily. [Opinionator / New York Times]
* “[N]o one has a crystal ball,” but right now, it’s highly likely that the Supreme Court will take up another gay marriage case. Perhaps it’ll be the one that’s currently unfolding in Pennsylvania. [Legal Intelligencer]
* According to a recent survey conducted by Randstad, about 60 percent of lawyers are proud to be members of the legal profession, which is impressive(!) considering how unhappy they are. [The Lawyer]
* Birds of a feather really do flock together. Philip Alito, son of Justice Samuel Alito, will join Eugene Scalia, son of Justice Antonin Scalia, at Gibson Dunn’s Washington, D.C. office. [Blog of Legal Times]
* Even though the vast majority of his race-based claims were dismissed on summary judgment, this “token black associate” still has a respected Biglaw firm up against the Ropes. [National Law Journal]
* Law school applications are plummeting, but top law schools haven’t started scraping the bottom of the barrel — their applicants’ LSAT scores have remained relatively competitive. [WSJ Law Blog (sub. req.)]
* I am Chelsea Manning, I am a female.” Considering (s)he was just sentenced to 35 years in prison, Bradley Chelsea Manning sure picked a great time to make this announcement to the world. [Chicago Tribune]
* You dare call the Duchess of Dumplins racist and sexist? When it comes to Paula Deen’s new legal team from Morgan Lewis, five are women, and four are black. Take that, Lisa Jackson. [Am Law Daily]