Tag: Age Discrimination
Small Law Firms
California Bar Exam -- The Nightmare Continues
The commission is deadlocked on what, if any, alternative pathways to bar admission should be available. -
New Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against Kirkland & Ellis
The plaintiff says the decision to sue the firm was not made lightly. - Sponsored
Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track
How you can get through current challenges while advancing long-term goals. -
New Lawsuit Alleges Age Discrimination Amid COVID-19 Upheaval At Shearman & Sterling
The firm denies the allegations in the lawsuit.
Law Schools
Law School Professor Alleges Discrimination, Says She Was Reprimanded For Not Smiling
She alleges gender and age discrimination as well as violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act and Family Medical Leave Act. -
In-House Counsel
In-House Attorney Sues Tech Giant Over 'Gender Discrimination Of The Worst Kind'
Plaintiff alleges she was fired for complaining about the discrimination she faced. -
69-Year-Old Tries To Get His Age Legally Changed So He Can Score On Tinder
This isn't as crazy a claim as it sounds. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 06.26.18
* Michael Cohen’s lawyers say just a little over 12K of their client’s files are privileged. That’s out of 4 million… and still seems high. [Law360]
* If you thought the Westworld videogame felt suspiciously like Fallout Shelter, so did the makers of Fallout. [BBC]
* Online retailers are confused in the post-Wayfair world. They’ve built algorithms that can guess what you want to purchase before you think of it, but they’re totally baffled about tacking 6 percent on a sale heading to Kentucky. [Corporate Counsel]
* Professor Tim Wu thinks yesterday’s Amex decision has devastated antitrust law. There’s no argument that this was the Court’s intent, but it strikes me that the decision prevented the market from rapidly devolving into a Visa/MasterCard duopoly — since they already have a near stranglehold on the market — so it’s hard to consider this anticompetitive in result even if it is in reasoning. [NY Times]
* The economic dumpster fire that is Kansas will have to cough up more money to fund schools according to their Supreme Court, based on the state’s constitutional obligation to equitably fund education. Don’t worry, the Trump administration sees Kansas as a model for the country! [Courthouse News Service]
* Age discrimination could blow up soon if the Seventh Circuit expands protection to job applicants. It’s a pressing issue for an aging generation just now realizing that they’ve spent 30 years voting for the government to pilfer their retirement. [National Law Journal]
* Lawyer indicted on charges of stealing $150K from clients. [NY Post]
Law Schools
Closing Law School Faces Discrimination Lawsuit From Faculty
'It’s the most crushing, demoralizing sensation ever...' - Sponsored
The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It
News and analysis from this company could be a game-changer for legal professionals working globally. -
Labor / Employment, On The Job
'I’m Not Happy. I Want To Die.' No, He Wasn’t A Lawyer
A sad story about aging, age discrimination, and dying. -
Biglaw Firm Uses Technology As A Defense In Discrimination Case
Those are some pretty explosive allegations. -
Morning Docket
Morning Docket: 01.31.18
* According to his friends, President Trump is reportedly planning to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prosecute special counsel Robert Mueller and his team. Considering he’s done nothing wrong, it’s anyone’s guess as to what Mueller could possibly be prosecuted for, but that’s neither here nor there. [CNBC]
* For the first time in more than 80 years, the Senate has confirmed a circuit court judge with a missing blue slip. Yesterday, Judge David Stras of the Minnesota Supreme Court was confirmed to the Eighth Circuit, with a 56-42 vote that threw decades-old tradition to the wind. [The Hill]
* “It’s really important that lawyers in large firms know that they can sign up….” In the short time since the initiative was announced, more than 500 lawyers have signed up to take on cases for the Time’s Up legal defense fund, and they’ll be able to provide free consultations to victims of workplace sexual harassment. [Big Law Business]
* The robots are coming: Former payroll managers from Dechert claim in a federal age and gender bias suit that they were laid off because they were the oldest women employees in the department. The firm says that’s not the case, since it was cloud-based technology, not discrimination, that took their jobs. [Legal Intelligencer]
* A California appellate court has breathed new life into a proposed class action that accuses Tinder of charging older users more money to use the enhanced version of the app. The judge who wrote the opinion reversed the lower court using slang very familiar to dating app aficionados. We’ll have more on this later. [The Recorder]
Is It Ageist To Microtarget On Facebook?
Facebook could be the new vanguard of age discrimination.

The Global Legal News You Need, When You Need It

What Do Millennials Think Of Law Firm Life?

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: 6 Tips To Keep Your Investments On Track

Leaving Your In-House Role: You Don’t Need A Portable “Book” To Be Successful

Department of Justice, Labor / Employment, On The Job, Politics
President Trump Likely Terminates Employees In Violation Of The Law -- And Jeff Sessions Might Be Next
It seems President Trump isn't familiar with 'wrongful termination in violation of public policy.' -
Labor / Employment, Old People, On The Job, Technology
Of Hoodies And Hoverboards: Age Discrimination In Tech
Is there such a thing as age discrimination in the World of the Future – the tech industry? -
In-House Counsel, Labor / Employment, On The Job, Women's Issues
The Discrimination Tolerated By Lawyers
Are you willing to stop discriminating against our colleagues on the basis of age? -
In-House Counsel, Labor / Employment, Old People, On The Job
Keeping Your Ageism In Check
This is a significant issue in the in-house world, where it's harder to know exactly how old your colleagues are. -
Labor / Employment, Old People, On The Job
Should Men Use Botox? Ask The Thirtysomethings Who Want To Look Young Again
Ageism in the workplace is unabashedly rampant, employment lawyer Richard Cohen notes -- and it's against the law. -
Old People, Women's Issues
The Employability Of Older Women Has Struck A Nerve
“Women of a certain age” have encountered and still encounter bias in our profession. -
Non-Sequiturs: 03.01.17
* To answer the question posed in Morning Docket today… no. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher partner Miguel Estrada will not be the next Solicitor General. [Law.com]
* Elena Kagan is finally getting some meme love. [Huffington Post]
* The Texas Supreme Court is hearing arguments about rolling back spousal benefits for same-sex couples. No, you didn’t imagine Obergefell in a fever dream, it’s just Texas. [Slate]
* Can legal remedies be effective against age discrimination? Or will that take too long? [Law and More]
* RIP Barbara Lundergan the first woman to be partner at Seyfarth Shaw. [Crain’s Business]
* How does Neil Gorsuch fare on the issue of abortion? [Constitutional Accountability Center]