Judge Tactics, Alleged Dean Touches, And Jail Time Voided -- See Also
Judges Are The New Ballot: Statistically speaking, judges are gaming to weaken your votes now more than ever. Maybe He Should Have Spent Less Time Blocking Yale Students And Reading Their Outlines Instead: "Textualist" Judge Ho proves he didn't even read the cases he cited to let domestic abusers have guns. With Faculty Like This, Who Needs Enemies? You'd think a law school dean would know better than to allegedly do that with a minor. Who Needs Prestige When You Could Have Livable Learning Conditions? Check to see if your law school is on the party pooper list. If Only The People Serving Hard Time For Marijuana Possession Were Law Students: Texas judge commutes defendant's punishment for moving 28.5 keys of weight to completing her JD.
Judges Are The New Ballot: Statistically speaking, judges are gaming to weaken your votes now more than ever.
Maybe He Should Have Spent Less Time Blocking Yale Students And Reading Their Outlines Instead: “Textualist” Judge Ho proves he didn’t even read the cases he cited to let domestic abusers have guns.
With Faculty Like This, Who Needs Enemies? You’d think a law school dean would know better than to allegedly do that with a minor.
Who Needs Prestige When You Could Have Livable Learning Conditions? Check to see if your law school is on the party pooper list.
If Only The People Serving Hard Time For Marijuana Possession Were Law Students: Texas judge commutes defendant’s punishment for moving 28.5 keys of weight to completing her JD.