Florida's Bright Idea Could Make Justice More Accessible. ChatGPT Won't Need A Public Defender Though… -- See Also
Florida Man Has A Right To Counsel: Diploma privilege could get him the representation he needs. I Am... Invulnerable: ChatGPT has a definite outlook on how it would fare in legal settings. The Cost Of Billing Those Hours Is Deadly: There is more to life than billables. Take care of yourselves. The Multimillion-Dollar Texas Two-Step Finds Its Way To Jersey: If only it were as easy to finesse student loans as it is to finesse those hurt by big business. Something Is Rotten In Mexico: Kim Williams suspects foul play at this resort.

Photo via New Jersey Criminal Law Resource
Florida Man Has A Right To Counsel: Diploma privilege could get him the representation he needs.
I Am… Invulnerable: ChatGPT has a definite outlook on how it would fare in legal settings.
The Cost Of Billing Those Hours Is Deadly: There is more to life than billables. Take care of yourselves.
The Multimillion-Dollar Texas Two-Step Finds Its Way To Jersey: If only it were as easy to finesse student loans as it is to finesse those hurt by big business.
Something Is Rotten In Mexico: Kim Williams suspects foul play at this resort.