Why Practice Management Software Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
If you want to get up to speed on the latest news about law practice management software, this is one podcast you’re going to want to listen to right now.
Over the course of the last several years, law firms have been buying in to case management software like never before.
Modern attorneys seek further organization, buttressed by processes, and law practice management software delivers the goods.
So, in this episode of the Non-Eventcast podcast, we brought in two experts in the space, Joyce Brafford of Cosmolex and Bob Culliton of ZenCase. Here, they provide a deeper dive into what case management software has to offer.
First up, the group talks about the most annoying Christmas present requests from children (1:55). Next, Bob and Joyce deliver their favorite law practice management software features (8:37).
After that, Joyce and Bob offer their thoughts on the importance of data management for law firms, and how case management software can help them to better leverage the data they do capture (10:47). Lastly, the group ends up waxing poetic on the future of law practice management software (17:32).
If you want to get up to speed on the latest news about law practice management software, this is one podcast you’re going to want to listen to right now.
And while you’re here, feel free to download Practice Management by Practice Area Buyer’s Guide — either at this link or by using the form below.
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